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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Robert Cohen, *failed* real estate developer in NJ (IGF-1 inDairy Products Makes Cancer Proliferate)

Ron Hamilton, "vegan" douchebag and liar, blabbered:
> On Feb 1, 11:23 am, Rudy Canoza > wrote:
>> Ron Hamilton, "vegan" douchebag and liar, blabbered:
>>> On Feb 1, 10:54 am, Rudy Canoza > wrote:
>>>> Ron Hamilton, lying shitbag 'vegan' queer in Alberta,
>>>> blabbered:
>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------**-----
>>>>> By Robert Cohen Executive Director
>>>> Robert Cohen has no background in science, and will not
>>>> debate a real scientist regarding the major
>>>> inaccuracies and misstatements in his bullshit website:
>>> LOL!!!
>>> Vegsource was trying to represent Walsh as a MEDICAL

>> No, they weren't.

> They were calling him "Dr."

They weren't implying or saying he was a medical
doctor. Stop lying, ronnnnnnnnie.

>> Cohen simply WHIFFED OFF. He would have been up
>> against a *real* scientist, not some New Jersey land
>> speculator.

> Goo, you stupid reptile-brained shit, Walsh wouldn't discuss the
> papers with ME and several others on the forum because

Because you never attempted it.

>> Cohen is a fraud. He has ZERO science background. He
>> is a soy products huckster looking to smear an industry
>> selling a competing - and superior - product.

> And you are.............?

Cohen is a fraud. He pretends to have scientific
knowledge he DOES NOT HAVE. He's a charlatan, a fraud,
and a huckster.

>> Soy increases IGF-1 even more than dairy.

> Goo, when did this remarkable discovery of MAMMAL growth hormone in
> plants occur?

Soy increases IGF-1 levels in humans who consume soy.
The group that consumed 40mg of soy products had
*greater* increases in serum IGF-1 than those who
consumed 40mg of milk protein.

Dear Mr. Cohen,

Today an email was forwarded to us in which you cited
an article by Mark Messina minimizing the link between
soy foods and thyroid dysfunction. Apparently you are
not aware of the vast literature on thyroid dysfunction
caused by soy foods, nor of Dr. Messina's position as a
consultant and promoter for the soy industry. It is
unfortunate that so much dis-information and
misunderstanding exists around such vital health
issues. Too often it seems that scientific information
is twisted and turned in order to fit a pre-set agenda.
[especially the sales agenda of Robert Cohen, soy
huckster - ed.]


Soy promoters often operate under a double standard,
condemning a substance in milk while praising the same
compound when it occurs in soy. One egregious example
is that of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, or IGF-1. You
have been very vociferous in your condemnation of rBGH
milk because it contains high levels of IGF-1, a
compound that has been implicated as causing breast
cancer. However, you are silent when it comes to the
IGF-1 levels in soy. When they are found in soy,
promoters describe them as a benefit for bones. This is
similar to the promotion of fluoride by the dental
profession, while ridiculing its serious adverse health

According to findings reported by researchers Arjmandi
and Khalil, April 2001, soy increases serum IGF-1
levels. They took 64 healthy men and randomly assigned
them to two groups, one that consumed 40 g of
milk-based protein a day for three months and the other
that took in 40 g of soy-based protein on the same
schedule. Urine and blood samples showed that both
groups experienced an increase in a substance
associated with bone formation known as insulin-like
growth factor-1.1

The group consuming soy protein had significantly more
of this growth factor, according to Arjmandi. He and
Khalil presented their findings at the Experimental
Biology 2001 meeting in Orlando. "This is the first
study to show that soy may benefit skeletal health in
males," Arjmandi is quoted as saying.

It is unbelievable that an increase in IGF-1 levels
could ever be interpreted as something "beneficial," as
there are over 1900 studies on MEDLINE alone clearly
showing the implications of IGF-1 in hormonal cancers.
Such is the double standard we fine in health research
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Default Robert Cohen, *failed* real estate developer in NJ (IGF-1 in Dairy Products Makes Cancer Proliferate)

On Thu, 01 Feb 2007 18:42:54 GMT, Rudy Canoza >

Rudy, could you please drop '' from your list?

***** Have a super day! *****

John H
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Robert Cohen, *failed* real estate developer in NJ (IGF-1 inDairy Products Makes Cancer Proliferate)

Ron Hamilton, "vegan" douchebag and liar, blabbered:
> On Feb 1, 11:42 am, Rudy Canoza > wrote:
>> Ron Hamilton, "vegan" douchebag and liar, blabbered:
>> The group consuming soy protein had significantly more
>> of this growth factor, according to Arjmandi. He and
>> Khalil presented their findings at the Experimental
>> Biology 2001 meeting in Orlando. "This is the first
>> study to show that soy may benefit skeletal health in
>> males," Arjmandi is quoted as saying.
>> It is unbelievable that an increase in IGF-1 levels
>> could ever be interpreted as something "beneficial," as
>> there are over 1900 studies on MEDLINE alone clearly
>> showing the implications of IGF-1 in hormonal cancers.
>> Such is the double standard we fine in health research
>> science.- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -

> Goo, when did this remarkable discovery of MAMMAL growth hormone in
> plants occur?

Soy increases IGF-1 levels in people, douchebag
ronnnnnnnnie, not in plants.

You reveal your own appalling lack of nutritional
knowledge in every post, douchebag ronnnnnnnnie. For
example, douchebag ronnnnnnnnie, plants contain no
cholesterol, but saturated fats from plants raise
cholesterol in humans.

You are so incredibly stupid and profoundly ignorant
about science and nutrition, douchebag ronnnnnnnnie.
  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Robert Cohen, *failed* real estate developer in NJ (IGF-1 inDairy Products Makes Cancer Proliferate)

Ron Hamilton, "vegan" douchebag and liar, blabbered:
> On Feb 1, 12:04 pm, Rudy Canoza > wrote:
>> Ron Hamilton, "vegan" douchebag and liar, blabbered:
>>> On Feb 1, 11:42 am, Rudy Canoza > wrote:
>>>> Ron Hamilton, "vegan" douchebag and liar, blabbered:
>>>> The group consuming soy protein had significantly more
>>>> of this growth factor, according to Arjmandi. He and
>>>> Khalil presented their findings at the Experimental
>>>> Biology 2001 meeting in Orlando. "This is the first
>>>> study to show that soy may benefit skeletal health in
>>>> males," Arjmandi is quoted as saying.
>>>> It is unbelievable that an increase in IGF-1 levels
>>>> could ever be interpreted as something "beneficial," as
>>>> there are over 1900 studies on MEDLINE alone clearly
>>>> showing the implications of IGF-1 in hormonal cancers.
>>>> Such is the double standard we fine in health research
>>>> science.- Hide quoted text -
>>>> - Show quoted text -
>>> Goo, when did this remarkable discovery of MAMMAL growth hormone in
>>> plants occur?

>> Soy increases IGF-1 levels in people, douchebag
>> ronnnnnnnnie, not in plants.
>> You reveal your own appalling lack of nutritional
>> knowledge in every post, douchebag ronnnnnnnnie. For
>> example, douchebag ronnnnnnnnie, plants contain no
>> cholesterol, but saturated fats from plants raise
>> cholesterol in humans.

> It says in part, "IGF-1 levels IN soy."

Read *THIS*, douchebag:

According to findings reported by researchers
Arjmandi and Khalil, April 2001, ***soy increases
IGF-1 levels.*** They took 64 healthy men and randomly
assigned them to two groups, one that consumed 40 g
of milk-based protein a day for three months and the
other that took in 40 g of soy-based protein on the
same schedule. Urine and blood samples showed that
both groups experienced an increase in a substance
associated with bone formation known as insulin-like
growth factor-1. [emphasis added]

The group consuming soy protein had significantly
more of this growth factor, according to Arjmandi.
He and Khalil presented their findings at the
Experimental Biology 2001 meeting in Orlando. "This
is the first study to show that soy may benefit
skeletal health in males," Arjmandi is quoted as

It says soy increases IGF-1 levels, you stupid ****ing
moronic douchebag. It doesn't say soy *contains* the

You are such a stupid shitworm.
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.rural,sci.agriculture,,talk.politics.animals,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,rec.pets
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Default Robert Cohen, *failed* real estate developer in NJ (IGF-1 inDairy Products Makes Cancer Proliferate)

Ron Hamilton, "vegan" douchebag and liar, blabbered:
> On Feb 1, 8:22 pm, Rudy Canoza > wrote:
>> Ron Hamilton, "vegan" douchebag and liar, blabbered:
>>> On Feb 1, 5:29 pm, Rudy Canoza > wrote:
>>>> Ron Hamilton, "vegan" douchebag and liar, blabbered:
>>>>> On Feb 1, 12:04 pm, Rudy Canoza > wrote:
>>>>>> Ron Hamilton, "vegan" douchebag and liar, blabbered:
>>>>>>> On Feb 1, 11:42 am, Rudy Canoza > wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ron Hamilton, "vegan" douchebag and liar, blabbered:
>>>>>>>> The group consuming soy protein had significantly more
>>>>>>>> of this growth factor, according to Arjmandi. He and
>>>>>>>> Khalil presented their findings at the Experimental
>>>>>>>> Biology 2001 meeting in Orlando. "This is the first
>>>>>>>> study to show that soy may benefit skeletal health in
>>>>>>>> males," Arjmandi is quoted as saying.
>>>>>>>> It is unbelievable that an increase in IGF-1 levels
>>>>>>>> could ever be interpreted as something "beneficial," as
>>>>>>>> there are over 1900 studies on MEDLINE alone clearly
>>>>>>>> showing the implications of IGF-1 in hormonal cancers.
>>>>>>>> Such is the double standard we fine in health research
>>>>>>>> science.- Hide quoted text -
>>>>>>>> - Show quoted text -
>>>>>>> Goo, when did this remarkable discovery of MAMMAL growth hormone in
>>>>>>> plants occur?
>>>>>> Soy increases IGF-1 levels in people, douchebag
>>>>>> ronnnnnnnnie, not in plants.
>>>>>> You reveal your own appalling lack of nutritional
>>>>>> knowledge in every post, douchebag ronnnnnnnnie. For
>>>>>> example, douchebag ronnnnnnnnie, plants contain no
>>>>>> cholesterol, but saturated fats from plants raise
>>>>>> cholesterol in humans.
>>>>> It says in part, "IGF-1 levels IN soy."
>>>> Read *THIS*, douchebag:
>>>> According to findings reported by researchers
>>>> Arjmandi and Khalil, April 2001, ***soy increases
>>>> serum
>>>> IGF-1 levels.*** They took 64 healthy men and randomly
>>>> assigned them to two groups, one that consumed 40 g
>>>> of milk-based protein a day for three months and the
>>>> other that took in 40 g of soy-based protein on the
>>>> same schedule. Urine and blood samples showed that
>>>> both groups experienced an increase in a substance
>>>> associated with bone formation known as insulin-like
>>>> growth factor-1. [emphasis added]
>>>> The group consuming soy protein had significantly
>>>> more of this growth factor, according to Arjmandi.
>>>> He and Khalil presented their findings at the
>>>> Experimental Biology 2001 meeting in Orlando. "This
>>>> is the first study to show that soy may benefit
>>>> skeletal health in males," Arjmandi is quoted as
>>>> saying.
>>>> It says soy increases IGF-1 levels, you stupid ****ing
>>>> moronic douchebag. It doesn't say soy *contains* the
>>>> IGF-1.
>>>> You are such a stupid shitworm.
>>> YOU posted that soy contains IGF-1.

>> Soy causes the human body to produce elevated levels of
>> IGF-1, you stupid douchebag.- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -

> As noted in the other thread

As noted in this and other threads, douchebag
ronnnnnie, soy protein raises IGF-1 levels in humans
*more* than does milk protein.

Robert Cohen has *NO* background in science. He is a
liar, a cheat, a CHARLATAN and a FRAUD. He is simply
trying to sell more soy extractor gizmos, and he
doesn't care what lies he tells in order to do it.

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.rural,sci.agriculture,,talk.politics.animals,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,rec.pets
external usenet poster
Posts: 282
Default Exceptionally shitty page you have, douchebag ronnnnnnnie

Just garbage; amateurish, zero worthwhile content - a
total waste of disk space, server processing power and
  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Exceptionally shitty page you have, douchebag ronnnnnnnie

Ron Hamilton, douchebag and liar, blabbered:
> On Feb 2, 11:08 am, Rudy Canoza > wrote:
> >

> > Just garbage; amateurish, zero worthwhile content - a
> > total waste of disk space, server processing power and
> > bandwidth.

> Did it ever occur to you that Jeff Nelson *also* advertises soy
> extractor gizmos on his vegsores site?

Nobody cares. I'm not touting Nelson the way you slavishly adore that
****ing cretinous pseudo-scientific shitbag Cohen.

Your site is SHIT, douchebag ronnnnnnnnie, and your slavish sexual
adoration of the lying CHARLATAN Cohen should be an embarrassment to

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posted to misc.rural,sci.agriculture,,talk.politics.animals,,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,rec.pets,
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Default Robert Cohen, *failed* real estate developer in NJ (IGF-1 in Dairy Products Makes Cancer Proliferate)

"Rudy Canoza" > wrote in message

> soy protein raises IGF-1 levels in humans

'Circulating levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and
insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) have
each been associated with premenopausal breast cancer risks.
We analyzed data from a cross-sectional study of 261
premenopausal Japanese women aged 20-54 yr with adequate
nutritional status to evaluate the relationships between
concentrations of IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 in serum and dietary
intakes of soy, fats and other nutrients. Diet was assessed by
a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. There was
no significant correlation between soy product as well as soy
isoflavone intake and serum IGF-1 or IGFBP-3 levels after
controlling for age, total energy, percent body fat, and
education level. Total fat intake was significantly inversely
correlated with serum IGFBP-3 level (r = -0.13, P = 0.04).
The correlations of saturated and monounsaturated fats with
serum IGFBP-3 were of borderline significance (r = -0.12,
P = 0.06 and r = -0.11, P = 0.07, respectively).

'Frequent consumption (more than once a day) of soy milk was
associated with 70 per cent reduction of the risk of prostate cancer
(relative risk = 0.3, 95 percent confidence interval 0.1-1.0, p-value
for linear trend = 0.03). The association was upheld when extensive
adjustments were performed. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests
that men with high consumption of soy milk are at reduced risk of
prostate cancer. Possible associations between soy bean products,
isoflavones and prostate cancer risk should be further investigated.

> *more* than does milk protein.

9/17/2002 Milk, Pregnancy, Cancer May be Tied - 9/10 Reuters

Using data from a large, long-term study of more than 1,000 nurses
who record their diets carefully and who are then watched for
changes in health, Holmes' team also found that those who drank
the most milk had higher levels of IGF-1.

IGF-1 is important to the growth and function of many organs, but
higher levels have been associated with an increased risk of prostate,
colon, lung and breast cancer.

"We concluded that greater milk consumption was associated with
higher levels of IGF-1," said Holmes. "This association raises the
possibility that diet could increase cancer risk by increasing levels
of IGF-1 in the blood stream.

*Meta-Analysis: "Milk consumption is a risk factor for prostate
cancer.... In conclusion, we found a positive association between
milk consumption and prostate cancer."
Nutr Cancer. 2004;48(T):22-7. [Search for 15203374.]

* "Among the food items we examined, cheese was most closely
correlated with the incidence of testicular cancer at ages 20-39,
followed by animal fats and milk.... Concerning prostatic cancer,
milk was most closely correlated with its incidence, followed by
meat and coffee.... The food that was most closely correlated
with the mortality rate of prostatic cancer was milk, followed by
coffee, cheese and animal fats." Int J Cancer. 2002
Mar 10;98(2):262-7. [Search for 11857417.]
* "Suggestive positive associations were also seen between fatal
prostate cancer and the consumption of milk, cheese, eggs, and
meat. There was an orderly dose-response between each of the
four animal products and risk." Am J Epidemiol. 1984
Aug: 120(2):244-50. [Search for 6465122.]
* "Positive correlations between foods and cancer mortality rates
were particularly strong in the case of meats and milk for breast
cancer, milk for prostate and ovarian cancer, and meats for colon
cancer." Cancer 1986 Dec 1;58(11):2363-71. [Search
for 3768832.]

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Exceptionally shitty page you have, douchebag ronnnnnnnie

Ron Hamilton, douchebag and talentless liar, blabbered:
> On Feb 2, 12:40 pm, "Rudy Canoza" > wrote:
> > Ron Hamilton, douchebag and liar, blabbered:

> > > On Feb 2, 11:08 am, Rudy Canoza > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Just garbage; amateurish, zero worthwhile content - a
> > > > total waste of disk space, server processing power and
> > > > bandwidth.

> > > Did it ever occur to you that Jeff Nelson *also* advertises soy
> > > extractor gizmos on his vegsores site?

> > Nobody cares. I'm not touting Nelson the way you slavishly adore that
> > ****ing cretinous pseudo-scientific shitbag Cohen.

> You practically swoon when you mention Walsh the Quack or Nelson.

Nope. I don't particularly care about them. They are "vegan"
fruitcakes just like you, and "veganism" is bullshit, as has been more
than amply demonstrated. But they do seem to be just a little more
honest and decent than you and that slut Cohen.

> > Your site is SHIT, douchebag ronnnnnnnnie, and your slavish sexual
> > adoration of the lying CHARLATAN Cohen should be an embarrassment to
> > you.

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Robert Cohen, *failed* real estate developer in NJ (IGF-1 in Dairy Products Makes Cancer Proliferate)

lesley's weird beliefs:

"inner earth beings"
"hollow earth"
that goofy patent for a MANUFACTURED globe
helium-inflated number(s) for feed:beef
rain forest destruction
Brazil's exports (based on *Argentina's* trade)
Stolen French flying saucer
Foot massage (as cure-all)
Alien abduction
Polar fountains
Sun gazing
AIDS and ebola conspiracy theory
Crop circles
sexually aroused by violent ex-convicts
participation in skinhead subculture
the validity of online IQ tests
crackpot 9-11 conspiracy theories
Jeff Rense for "news"
long-debunked legends about "ageless wonders"

archived evidence of the above:

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Default Exceptionally shitty page you have, douchebag ronnnnnnnie

On 2 Feb 2007 11:40:54 -0800, "Rudy Canoza" >

>Nobody cares. I'm not touting Nelson the way you slavishly adore that
>****ing cretinous pseudo-scientific shitbag Cohen.
>Your site is SHIT, douchebag ronnnnnnnnie, and your slavish sexual
>adoration of the lying CHARLATAN Cohen should be an embarrassment to

Hey Rudy, are you related to TC?

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