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[email protected] 15-09-2007 06:59 AM

a thought...
The following is a thought by me.You may distribute this material any
way you please.I do not claim any rights to this document.I give it
freely to anyone.

In other words: "If you print or use this document,then good for you!
I will not try to sue you or claim some kind of compensation."
Thank you, Jeff Almaraz

Ok, my name is Jeff and I work at a Whole Foods Market store in north
Texas. U.S.A.

I have had this idea for a fast food vegan restaurant chain for a long
time now. But I can't seem to make it happen.

I am a vegan for about nine years now, and a vegetarian for about
eight before that. I became a vegetarian when while I was driving past
a "Owen's Country Sausage Farm" one day and a voice inside my head
said "You don't have to do that anymore."

I became a vegetarian overnight. "Cold Turkey" you might say. I
cleaned out my fridge of all things that were not vegetarian that day
and have never eaten meat since. Later on I would make the transition
to being Vegan. The last thing I quit consuming was honey. I don't
miss it at all.

Ok. Here is why I am writing you now...I have always wanted to open a
chain of fast food vegan restaurants, but I have neither the courage
or income to make it happen. I have always been a "thinker" rather
than a "do-er" so most of my thoughts and inventions stay with me.

My idea is simple but may indeed change the world for the better. My
goal would be to open a line of restaurants that would cater to the
health conscious and the moral conscious beings on this planet.

Imagine a rival to the McDonald's and the Wendy's of the world! A true
fast food restaurant that would serve only healthy and compassionate
meals to people. With a drive-thru to boot!

I have always wanted (since I became a vegan) to be able to go to a
fast food place and order a burger n' fries without the hassle of
wondering "Are the fries vegan? Is the burger vegan?" But no place
like that exists that I know of !

Why hasn't somebody done this sooner ?!!!! I researched the whole
"Vegan fast food restaurant" thing on the internet, but only came up
with "Mr. Goodburger" and a vegan fast food place in New York!

I can't seem to find anything more about "Mr. Goodburger" other than
they dropped off the face of the planet after opening a restaurant in
Hawaii. As for the New York place I guess they are still in

What in the world is going on? Has the meat industry "silenced" these
places or what?!!!

All I know is that if we can get some of the celebrities and famous
vegetarians/vegans in the world to come together and support this idea
then maybe we could open up a chain of Vegan fast food restaurants
that might just help this world along!

Ok I've done my bit, until I can drive up to a "Veggie's" franchise
and order a veggie burger, fries, and shake then drive off happy
knowing I have not done any harm to another being I guess I'm done.

Please E-mail me with a response so at least I know someone read

Best Regards,
Jeff Almaraz

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