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Default CIA Panetta: Health IT ,who will control private data ? W.H.Emergency Powers to Chief of Staff ?,U.S. Attorney nominee won't IDcustomers, Lost Standards , AIG-FreddieMac-FannieMae for the "usual ones"?,Federal Reserve Audit , H.R.3200

C.I.A. Director Panetta is absolutely right when he says he wants to
move his Agency forward, America faces a lot of issues right now, but
some are from the past and will affect the present and the future of
the Intelligence Community and here are some and that can be linked :

1) The Neocon and Oil Lobby's are constantly pushing for a fight
against Venezuela and Russia as well as Iran , because as long as they
are the " enemy " and " terrorists linked " , America has only one
solid source of oil and gas : Saudi Arabia-Qatar-UAE-Kuwait and only
one strategic partner in that region :Israel, so they all get all our
money, our weapons and attention, and when will the D.C. Politicians
explain this to the American people ? when ? that it's all a
fabricated dependency to keep us addicted to these 2 lobby's ? when ?

about the weapons in the Colombia-Venezuela affair , they are old
bazooka-like single-use rocket launchers that Sweden sold to Venezuela
in 1983-84, and now some seems to have been found in FARC's hands, so
after 25 years the neocon press ( the editorials in most newspapers
are controlled by the Neocon-Oil Lobby's ) demands that Washington DC
declares Venezuela a terrorist country ?

Rebels Obtained Arms Sold to Venezuela, Colombia Says ,NYT, July,28,08

The US Policy in Latin America has been a disaster for 25 years, we
should have a US-Latin America-Brazil Conference with all the
countries in the continent to start a new dialog, a new era, but DC is
so incompetent and corrupt, they will do only what the Neocon-Oil
Lobby wants : to keep all divided and fighting, so no change here,
what a criminal shame !

2 ) The next weeks are vital for Health Care Reform, for National
Security and Rule of Law : the Obama-Biden team must make very clear
to 140 million US workers and taxpayers , as well as the huge retiree
and disabled group, that



c) and that the multi-billion dollar levels of profits of
Pharma ,Drugs, Insurance and their top executives , as well as the
Drug ads costs and its tax deductions as business expenses , will come
down to earth ...

of course, not included in all this are the Federal employees and
Congress members who get what they call a "Cadillac" Health
Insurance , like P.Obama has the honesty to say : these amazing super
deals like the one he got are excluded, the fact is that Congress
members get what no one else gets...
the next few weeks of "explaining" is the make or break of the
deal.....President Obama also wants to end the 177 billion dollar give-
away to Insurance Companies under the Medicare Advantage Plan, which
is what the Medicare plan offers already, but will he get the Congress
to go along on this ?

d) another little detail is the constant cases of Pharmaceuticals
( hello ! Baxter Pharma , how you all doing ? ) releasing tainted
vaccines to the public, but hey ! if we don't get sick, they can't
sell us the medicines ,right?

and more about Health IT software security, below at 10 )

3) about Rupert Murdoch and the Rule of Law :

a) In the 90's , when the Tobacco Lobby was under attack for
the costs of emphysema and cancer by then President Clinton and the
Democratic Party members in charge of Congress , the top executive
Board members of Philip Morris Tobacco, Rupert Murdoch and Carlos Slim
Helu among others , were trying to find ways to stop the Legal
Investigations going on ( international labs were popping-up with
modified special tobacco seeds with huge nicotine concentrations, new
addictive toxic substances found in most cigarettes were killing
laboratory rats in hours ,etc. ) so one "plan" was the one proposed
by then a gossip and scandal writer working for Murdoch in his New
York City publications called Goldberg, and she had a young daughter
called Monica Lewinsky ,and while the West Wing of the White House
was run at the time by Rahm Emanuel and his partners, Monica became an
intern , put right in the center of the White House and was left
alone with the president more and more time every day until she got to
the core : the President's "personal" attention , the scandal broke-up
and the Murdoch TV and newspapers machine started to make millions out
of it, all the way to the Impeachment Proceedings....a huge
business ,a wounded president under control of scandal and a Tobacco-
Nicotine Legislation distracted .....

And now with the same "special team" inside the White House, we all
know that it's a matter of time before P.Obama, VP Biden and their
teams gets stuck in another "fabricated scandal" and to keep them
against the wall and under their control, that's how they always
operate : lies, theft, abuse ,extortion and treason , the usual...but
as they say : do it to me once shame on you, do it to me twice, shame
on me ..... and that's why is so important also to break the circle of
corruption and AUDIT the Federal Reserve, this and a new team at the
Fed would give the Obama -Biden team power to keep these criminals at

b) Already the way Murdoch got the USA Congress to make an
exception so that he could buy assets from G.M. as a foreign national,
how he got satellite technology and TV Networks like Fox while a
foreign national and they had to change the Laws just for him , how he
got away with the Tobacco nightmare, the Lewinsky fabricated criminal
fraud, how he and his papers pushed for the Iraq war ( with Senator
Schumer and Rep.Emanuel , among others, every week on them pushing the
lies about Iraq among others ) , how Murdoch's papers and TV covered-
up the news about the initial march to Baghdad leaving behind
warehouses full of weapons and explosives unguarded, how the Baghdad
Museum was looted with military precision ( and it wasn't the USA or
Iraqi Military ), how the contractors were losing billions of dollars
in trucks and hundreds of thousands of automatic weapons and rifles in
transit , and on and on, without a hitch -- we must remember that
without insurgency ( and armed and with weapons ) there was no
justification for multi-billion dollar no-bid contracts ... it's a
very simple business formula -- it all shows to the world how
Washington D.C. has been hijacked by Murdoch and his goons, the Neocon
and Oil Lobby's , and it's a criminal shame and a real terrorist act,
but will anyone in DC stand up for the Rule of Law ? no one.

even how he avoided taxes on many of these issues in the late 90's and
early 2000's should get the IRS going, right? .....not with his
friend Shulman in charge of the IRS , won't happen.

c) Rupert Murdoch is a personal friend of Maurice Greenberg of
AIG and Judge Rakoff , and the fact that Greenberg fraud case l was
in Judge Rakoff chambers has many people wondering, since they all are
friends of way back, was there any talks among jurors and Judge and
Greenberg? is there anything that we don't know that they know ? how
can such a clear double case go in Greenberg's favor ? will the
Justice Dpt. investigate ? will Congress ? will the IRS ? will the
A.G.'s ? will anyone care ? no.

and in the SEC case against M.Greenberg, he gets a 15 million dollar
fine and walks away with 2 billion dollars in AIG and CV Starr stock,
and what's the difference in the "cooking of the books for profit "
that he did as CEO and chairman of AIG and the "cooking of the books
for profit " that others did ? many got 20 or more years in jail, why
some go to jail and others get just a fine ? and even others just walk
away with a 300.000 dollar salary.... eh! Rahm , like you at Freddie
Mac ?

d) In the 9/11/2001 Investigation, Murdoch's friends
Zelikow ,Lehman and Ben-Veniste ( all the Robert Rubin apparatus )
were in the 9/11 Committee, and no one could believe it, since all are
friends and partners of the principals in the WTC case : Silverstein,
Goldman, Pacific Investments, etc., etc., and specially when : 1) we
think about WTC - 7 , the huge third building and that collapsed on
its own footprint without being hit by any thing or anyone, in a
perfect symmetric collapse ,and still is a mystery to engineers and
architects , 2) and while Silverstein had called 23 Insurance
companies just weeks before the attack ( the leases were signed just 6
weeks before 9/11) to open dozens and dozens of policies over just
about everything in the buildings, and about all these issues the
Murdoch Tabloid media kept silence refusing to Investigate any of it,
and always siding with the Silverstein-Goldman demands for billions
and billions of dollars in Insurance payments : the whole thing
smelled like rats on a sewer feast , and they were and are feasting on
the dead....will anybody ask ? no .

e) in the 2008 Financial and Derivatives Disaster, the Murdoch TV
and Media machine defended many neocons in Wall Street ( in many
Military-Security and Intelligence Contractors the key stockholders
are his Hedge-Fund / Equity / Investment Partners : the war
profiteers )
and that's why he bought the W.S.J., to cut-off some of the most deep
investigative reporting in that paper about the Federal Reserve ,the
Treasury, AIG, Bear Stearns,Lehman,Merrill and Citi and their links
( they all did their trading and investing in partnership ) and
the ex-vice-chairman of AIG, Frenkel , and the ex-chairman ,
Greenberg , know a lot about it, but will any one go to the bottom of
this ? and will anyone check the massive high-speed trading they were
doing among them at all hours? with the inside know-how of some at
the Fed? and that the WSJ was reporting before Murdoch took the paper
over ? no.

so all in all, Rupert Murdoch may be a sharp operator, but for the
community as a whole, he has been and is a total disaster, a nightmare
for America and the world, but ....he puts his foot and money down and
in D.C. you can hear all the pants and garter belts dropping to the
floor, the screams and cries....he knows how to keep the DC darlings
on a leash , and they like it , the incompetent traitors.

Right now, and as many in the financial areas are saying, many " Wind
and Solar Power Projects " are being delayed or cancel due to
financing problems, and its the Neocon Lobby of Murdoch with Sen.
Feinstein , Feinberg etal and the Oil Lobby the ones pushing to slow
or kill these Energy Independence Projects with " No Finance" , this
"problem" and that "little problem", they want to keep the USA stuck
on imported oil and gas and depending on the Middle East for back-up
sources ( Saudi Arabia-Qatar-etc. and one strategic partner,Israel,
getting all our money and attention ) , and so the National losses are
staggering and the National Security implications huge, but will
anyone in D.C. stand up for America? no.

Unless a new generation of politicians and Americans gets elected ,
we will always have this abuse, the war profiteering , the tax
evasion, the corruption and the criminal activity while the " old
class " politicians bend over for yet another campaign donation and
yet another Murdoch "nice story" in his Media.

4) in the N.Y. Times, "Power Shifts in Plan for Capital Calamity" ,
July,28,2009 , , we
learn that in case of total disaster, the Chief of Staff in the White
House, takes control of the Military Office...why ? a political
appointee in control? do the President and the Vice-President see
where they put themselves in relation to the Emanuel,Summers,
Axelrod,Furman, Orszag,Geithner,Shapiro,Gensler , Genachowsky,
Feinberg group ? a political-military-financial organized group gets
to control the Military Office of the White House in case of total
disaster? this is totally Un -Constitutional , but will anyone in DC
object ? no !

here is an excerpt ".....Power Shifts in Plan for Capital
Calamity.....WASHINGTON — A shift in authority has given military
officials at the White House a bigger operational role in creating a
backup government if the nation’s capital were “decapitated” by a
terrorist attack or other calamity, according to current and former
officials involved in the decision.
The move, which was made in the closing weeks of the administration of
President George W. Bush, came after months of heated internal debate
about the balance of power and the role of the military in a time of
crisis, participants said. Officials said the Obama administration had
left the plan essentially intact.

Under the revamped structure, the White House Military Office, which
reports to the office of the White House chief of staff, has assumed a
more central role in setting up a temporary “shadow government” in a

And the office, a 2,300-person outfit best known for flying Air Force
One, has taken on added responsibilities as the lead agent in
shepherding government leaders to a secure site at Mount Weather in
rural Virginia, keeping classified lists of successors and maintaining
computer systems, among other operational duties. Many of these types
of tasks were previously handled by civilians at other agencies, led
by the Federal Emergency Management Agency........"

5) WASHINGTON TIMES, June,23,2009 :
EXCLUSIVE: U.S. attorney nominee won't ID all clients
where we learn that Paul Fishman , nominated by P.Obama to be
U.S.Attorney in New Jersey , won't ID 37 clients of him at his law
partnership , amazing,eh ?

and what about the 44 indicted corrupt figures in New Jersey? why the
National Media is silent on this when at least 5 were involved in a
Money laundering ring ? why not install the guy who did that great
job , Ralph Marra Jr., acting U.S. attorney for New Jersey , in the
permanent job ?

How is it possible that we find out about a very well organized money
laundering operation working between the USA, the EU and the Middle
East and the media turns silent ? how is it possible that c-span, npr
and PBS don't even mention any of it?

and these same spin outlets, when P.Clinton secures freedom to 2
journalists , Ling and Lee, and out of North Korea ,they spin these
great news into a negative gossip,a negative event, and hoping to
minimize the success they look for arguments and conflict , and when
they fail they go back to their warmongering criminal nonsense and
lies , and they talk about patriotism? who are the real terrorists ?
who are the real criminals and enemies of America ? what a criminal
shame the TV and cable Networks have become !

6) Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission ,
The problem is that the neocons will insert a neocon like Zelikow ,
Feinberg or Porter Goss to steer the Commission into another absurd
9/11 Commission : a cover-up and a distraction : ADD INSULT TO

7) Schools with no playgrounds but with lots of vending machines for
junk foods and sugar sodas, and then the parents have to spend money
buying medications, and my question to Education Secretary Duncan and
which so many parents are asking : When are schools in the USA going
to have simple "Solar-Wind and Batteries" demonstrators in every
schools so that kids can see how these new vital technologies work and
to make them part of their natural growth: the new generations must
be the leaders in Solar,Wind, Wave, Batteries and Hybrid-Electric plug-
ins , fuel-cells, insulation, synthetic fuels and fusion energies, and
the best way to grow a leader is to start early, by watching how these
natural sources charge-up their gadgets and toys, their laptops and
mobile phones, make it a second nature to them, a natural
process ..... why not a simple "demo" in every school?

8) In the Criminal Anthrax issue of 2001 , when medical worker Nguyen
was killed by heavy-duty anthrax spores at the Manhattan Eye,Ear and
Throat Hospital, , many knew that Emergent
BioSolutions ( the old Bio-Port from Lansing Michigan ) and their
executives, like Kramer, had a lot of answers, and then ...silent !
all the key Congress members went silent, no one asked about Bio-Port,
and then they presented the usual gentiles as suspects: Dr. Hatfill
and Ivins, and the rest is History....until today, how could these
anthrax spores get to the Manhattan Hospital ?

9) In the Internet video standards issue , Flash is "no good" for Mac
or Linux, that's why we need HTML 5 right now ! we need code, tools,
applications , solutions.

at the other hand, this story should bring some joy to many:
"Google Chrome gets skins and JavaScript performance boost.
Google has released a new Chrome beta that includes a theming engine,
faster JavaScript performance, several usability improvements, and
support for HTML5 video. "

10) And dear Director Panetta,the key problem in the Health Care
of the medical private data ? , and do they have their own agenda ?
who is watching them ? as usual, most of Washington D.C. is clueless,
so who will ?

The White House announced that David Blumenthal, MD, was going to be
the new national coordinator for health information technology at HHS,
and he is in favor of proprietary software while the other Harvard
University group that presented the better option was in favor of open-
source, and Blumenthal's partners Genachowsky at the FCC, Leibowitz at
the FTC , and Summers , Emanuel ,Orszag and Axelrod among others in
the White House are insisting on using proprietary Flash technology
from Adobe AND OTHER PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE, instead of the free and
open-source HTML 5 that the web is based on, why ? at Flash ,where
some of the top executives are, what a coincidence! , friends and
partners of the above, they are very happy that they will be part of
the "control" of all the data of all the citizens in America, isn't
wonderful? and of course they will use Oracle from Ellison as
database, right ? and if anyone objects, the SEC ,under supreme
general chairman Shapiro -- the SEC ex-Commissioner that was in charge
while AIG ,Bear Stearns ,Merrill and Lehman were selling hundreds of
billions of dollars of Credit-Default-Swaps and she never saw
anything !!! -- will immediately correct EVERYONE , if you know what i's a perfect plan , wonderful, eh ? and the gentiles in
DC ? many of them looking for a belt to hold their pants and garter
belts , poor darlings !

So if you put all the dots together, the same organized people that
gave us the 2008 Financial Disaster, will now control not only all the
private data from all the patients in the USA , they will control also
the software that runs the whole national system,amazing ,eh ? and
later, when the "dungaroo" hits the fan, they will blame the Democrats
and the Obama-Biden Administration, perfect ,eh?

In mi opinion, the sooner the Obama -Biden ticket gets all these
neocons out of the White House and their Administration, the better,
just look at the "dungaroo" they did Sunday, Aug,2,2009, when Geithner
and Summers had the nerve to say on the TV "spin and lie" programs
that higher taxes for workers and middle class are not out of the
question , so dear P.Obama : when are you going to get all these
neocons out ? when are you going to put an honest gentile in the
Federal Reserve and audit that "cave" ? when are you going to get
Flash out and low-cost HTML 5 video in ? when are we going to get
going ?

Health Care Reform is vital, let's make sure the neocons don't control
our data and software , because their Health Care Financial Abuse and
Disaster could make the 2008 Financial Meltdown look like a little
joke, they could wreck the whole country, the greedy fools ! , let's
get it right this time !

And if you want to see what some people can do with our private data,
just read this :
New U.S.-Israeli Crime Ring Detailed

11) And the "Standards" issue is an old one :Until 1995, the Defense
Dpt. and all its units were using a mix of wireless radios, and then
Qualcomm and Jacobs went to "advice" the Military in San Diego ,Ca. ,
and a few years later, many of the key CDMA and wireless radios used
by the U.S. military and U.S. private consumers were paying huge
royalties to Qualcomm and Jacobs, they showed up with all the patents,
and even when these people got some good technologies, where are the
Military and consumers radios that everybody was using as open-source
and free of charge in the U.S.A. ? where are they ? .... many
consumers and some politicians asked the San Diego based U.S. Attorney
Carol Lam about this , but then she got fired and later became the top
Lawyer in Qualcomm !!! what happened ? how is that possible ? and
about the wireless radios and patents investigations ? nothing.

Right now, America needs a massive push in advanced batteries and
hybrid-electric plug-in systems as well as solar and wind energy, we
are number 5 and 3 in the world in these key technologies, and that's
a total disaster, and how can we spend 2 trillion dollars in the Banks
and Financial Institutions ( 700 billion from TARP plus at least 1.3
trillion dollars between Treasury, Fed, FDIC and others ) and then
invest only 60 billion for all alternative energies and technologies ?
and just a few billions for batteries ? we gave 180 billion dollars to
A.I.G., the main promoter of this 2008 Credit-Default-Swaps Disaster,
and for our own future and Energy Independence just a third of that ?

That's why also vital to Audit the Federal Reserve ,
and investigate the Organic Program Federal Law, where Senator Leahy
has worked so hard all these years,

......and now for the latest part of the Big Trick , "they" are about
to install new "old operators" in A.I.G .,Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae,
etc., and split , cut , divide and fire-sell their assets and of
course, Goldman Sachs, BlackRock,Pacific Investments,etal, will be the
key players, so after taxpayers INVESTED hundreds of billions of
dollars bailing out these tricks, the same old operators get to make
the cut AGAIN ! , and a big one ! isn't wonderful ? a triple whammy !
and Washington D.C. still looking for a belt to hold their pants...and
that's also why their stock is going up and up every day, they can
smell the roses already ...while the taxpayers will smell the !
$#&*XZ@#*! again.

in any case must stay in USA and EU gentile
hands, it cannot end up in the Middle East with our own oil-gas
money !!!

At least we also got Senator Webb that worked so hard for the Post
9/11 G.I. Bill, effective August 1,2009 ... that's leadership, that's
the real deal.

So dear Director Panetta, you are right to want to move your great
Agency forward, a very difficult job indeed, but we need a total clean-
up, and who will make sure that the old garbage is out ?
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