Vegan ( This newsgroup exists to share ideas and issues of concern among vegans. We are always happy to share our recipes- perhaps especially with omnivores who are simply curious- or even better, accomodating a vegan guest for a meal!

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  #121 (permalink)   Report Post  
rick etter
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

"Jahnu" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 4 Jan 2004 13:24:22 -0500, "rick etter"
> > wrote:
> >
> >"Jahnu" > wrote in message

> >Then why did you ly, again? Lys seem to be the only things that you have

> >post, eh killer?

> hehe, see how desparate they become when you just flood them with
> facts. I can just see the idiot, flustered, hammering away on his
> key-board so eager to send his lame comments that he doesn't even take
> the time to run the spell checker first.
> ====================

If I'm the desperate one hypocrite, why did *you* snip out, without
annotation, your stupid ly?
Your dishonesty is only bested by your ignorance, killer.

Now, go have that nice blood-drenched dinner, hypocrite.
> No thanks, I leave that to you, meat-head.

You really have no clue as to your bloody footprints, do you, fool?


  #122 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

"Jahnu" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 17:43:45 -0000, "Benfez"
> > wrote:
> >Strooth Jahnu, I know they brainwash folks at Krishna concentration

> >but they've really done a number on you.
> >Did you forget about all the peace and love, my sweet lord and all that
> >garbage. Go back to your books instead of spouting your hate and
> >intollerance.

> YOU are spouting hate and intolerance and countless cruelties towards
> other living entities. I am speaking the truth and anyone who is
> truthful will accept it.
> I have presented arguments and scientific facts in favor of my
> position.

Bollox, you just keep on churning out the same rubbish. Just because
someone brainwashed you into thinking these things are true, it does not
make it so.

You have presented nothing except being cantankerous and
> obnoxiously and blindly denying all the facts.

Facts are most farm animals enjoy a good quality of life which is much
better than having a world without animals as you want.
> Admit defeat or go jump in a lake, moron.

Go away you happy clappy prat.


  #123 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 18:14:47 -0500, "rick etter"
> wrote:

>"Jahnu" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Sun, 4 Jan 2004 13:10:05 -0500, "rick etter"
>> > wrote:
>> >yep, that's all you have....

>What's the matter loser, can't speak for yourself? Can't address what was
>said to you in these hreads? Typical loony that has nothing if it isn't
>already cut-n-pasted for him.
>Your one remaining brain cell must really be haveing a hard time keeping up
>with your ignorance, eh killer?

It doesn't matter how much noise you meat heads make; it doesn't
matter how much you try to dodge the obvious by your lame and
unsophisticated your comments, the facts remain, and they don't go
away, no matter how much you blindly deny them. All experts who has
something to say in the field agree, that a vegetarian diet is better
suited for humans, and is also better for mother nature and her other
inhabitants, than a meat based diet.

Besides that, from a moral and religious point of view it is grossly
sinful to slaughter other living entities in high-tech slaughter
houses at the rate we do it right now. There are being billions of
animals mass murdered each year in slaughter houses the world over. At
the moment we slaughter chicken at a rate of 7000 per second on the
planet. If you think that is going to go unnoticed by mother nature
(Kali) you can think again. She is going to smack you so severely in
the face in retribution for each slaughtered individual, who are all
HER children. Someone is going to be held accountable.

In fact, human society is already being punished by mother nature.
Only red neck, atheist idiots who grew up in a Mickey Mouse culture,
who actually believe their coca cola and slaughter house culture is
the real world, worthy of export to the rest of the world, will think
that nature is not going to punish them for their crimes against her.

Any thoughtful person will rebel against such a nightmare the world is
turning into with fools and rascals in control, and a lot of brain
dead Disney clones on usenet to make static, distortional noises for

<laughing madly>

Ok, I'm puling your leg a little, but remember it is all in the
service of the common good. Slaughter houses are out. Face it or face
the consequences. Mother nature is not one to mess with when she is

Anyone wants to eat meat let him slaughter his own prey.
  #124 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 18:18:47 -0500, "rick etter"
> wrote:

>"Jahnu" > wrote in message


>ROTFLMAO You've still lost, killer.
>snippage of crappola, again...

You snipped the evidence, but it is still there, and it is still true.
The reason you can't see it is because you are not truthful.
  #125 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 18:17:35 -0500, "rick etter"
> wrote:

>"Jahnu" > wrote in message

>> At least I have something to cut and paste to support my position.
>> What have you posted to support your position, except whine and bicker
>> over the irrefutable facts that I keep sending?

>> But keep squirming meat-head. I am going to flood you with facts until
>> you finally shut up and crawl back under the stone where you came
>> from. Here is some mo

>You wouldn't know 'facts' if they bit you in the butt, killer.

Oh, but I would. And I am here to tell you.

>snippage of typical crappola alarmist windbag sites....

Nope. Still there.

  #126 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 19:18:15 -0500, "rick etter"
> wrote:

>"Jahnu" > wrote in message

>> hehe, see how desparate they become when you just flood them with
>> facts. I can just see the idiot, flustered, hammering away on his
>> key-board so eager to send his lame comments that he doesn't even take
>> the time to run the spell checker first.

>Now, go have that nice blood-drenched dinner, hypocrite.
>> No thanks, I leave that to you, meat-head.

>You really have no clue as to your bloody footprints, do you, fool?

Listen, I am the vegetarian. I don't even kill flies. I think there is
a soul inside all living entities - how exactly are my footprints
bloody, O wise one?

And you eat meat and support a superfluous coca cola and
slaughterhouse culture. They go hand in hand in Macdonald. Are you so
idiotic that you are unaware of the violent crimes companies like
Burger King and Macdonald commit towards nature?

And you accuse me, a peaceful vegetarian, who is preaching against
cruelty to other living entities, of having bloody footprints... ??
...hahahahaha that's just too lame.. are you actually being serious?
Tell me you are joking, right? You can't be this brain washed.
  #127 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 12:47:04 -0600, "Russ Thompson" >

>> I agree. That's why I point it out to you.

>Why are you so mean?

Because I just love acting out my genes for the right cause.

But let's first define mean. Maybe I am not mean according some

So how do you define mean? Is it more mean what I do to you, than what
society does to the animals? After all I haven't harmed you, have I? I
have just told you the truth.
  #128 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 20:10:14 GMT, Jonathan Ball
> wrote:

>Animals are wantonly killed in the course of producing,
>storing and distributing your vegetables, the ones you
>stupidly think are righteous because they don't contain
>animal parts.
>How much rice do you eat?

Do you mean to say that there wouldn't be a difference if I smashed
your head with a shovel and squished a tomato? Do you actually want me
to believe you don't distinguish between which living entity you kill?
Would it be the same to you to kill a pig as it would to harvest corn?
I don't believe you. In that case, watch out for the guys in white
  #129 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 08:51:36 -0000, "Benfez"
> wrote:

>"Jahnu" > wrote in message

>> I have presented arguments and scientific facts in favor of my
>> position.

>Bollox, you just keep on churning out the same rubbish. Just because
>someone brainwashed you into thinking these things are true, it does not
>make it so.

Hey, it's the other way around. Just because you have been brain
washed by the coca cola and slaughter house culture that you are a
product of, to think that what all experts agree on is false, doesn't
make it any less true. The facts I have presented are not my own
opinions. They are scientific facts all experts agree on.

It doesn't matter how much noise you meat heads make, the facts are
still there and they are still true, and society will be punished by
nature if it doesn't correct its ways. In fact it already IS being

>Facts are most farm animals enjoy a good quality of life

In the Disney world you live in, maybe.. not in the real world, buddy.

> which is much better than having a world without animals as you want.

I don't want a world without animals. How can want that, when I'm a
vegetarian who doesn't want to kill animals? I want them to be
protected and cared for, not raised for slaughter. It is sinful to
slaughter animals. Plain as that.
  #130 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 18:19:38 -0500, "rick etter"
> wrote:

>"Jahnu" > wrote in message

>> No, they are dominated by vegetarians, meat-head.

>You lose again, stupid...

Nope. Already won. You just haven't discovered it yet.

>snippage of more drivel quack-crap...

Nope, still there. Scientific facts for anyone to verify that says you
are wrong. Not only are you wrong, you are also in total denial. You
are one seriously brain washed puppy

  #131 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 18:36:39 -0500, "rick etter"
> wrote:

>No, you are being deliberatly ignorant. The production, processing,
>storage, and transportation of *your* veggies is what is being called into
>question, stupid. If you claim that people shouldn't raise meat where
>veggies can grow, then *you* should be eating meat instead of wasteing all
>the resources and energy it takes to get veggies to where you are.

Are you really as brain dead as you sound? How do you think they get
the meat to where you are?
  #132 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 18:30:51 -0500, "rick etter"
> wrote:

>Why do you dishonestly snip out parts of posts without annotating those
>snips, killer. Trying to hide you ignorance?

nope, just snipping the mindless drivel and noise.

  #133 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 19:11:57 -0500, "rick etter"
> wrote:

>"Jahnu" > wrote in message

>> Apart from that do you mean to say, that it is alright to slaughter
>> animals in the billions every year in automated slaughter houses,

>At least they die a humane death, unlike the ones that suffer and die at the
>hands of your crop production.

hahahahaha, are you for real? Do you actually believe that the burgers
in Burger King and Macdonald come from cows who died humane deads? How
is it humane to have a nail shut into your brain, meat head?

  #134 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 18:37:32 -0500, "rick etter"
> wrote:

>"Jahnu" > wrote in message

>> Because I love to see you squirm and make an ass out yourself,
>> meat-head.

>ROTFLMAO You've yet to come close, killer.
>But, it is fun laughing at your stupidity.

No it's not. It's obvious I'm really getting to you. Otherwise you
wouldn't feel you had to keep up with the lame comments, since they
make you look more stupid every time. And I have just started. After
I've finished with you, you are going to be a drooling mental wreck
  #135 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 12:48:57 -0600, "Russ Thompson" >

>> Of course it has. Keeping animals for slaughter is grossly sinful.

>*** "sinful"? According to who? Some religion or cult?

According to the laws of nature.

>According to the bald
>people who beg at the airport?

Nope, according to Kali

  #136 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 20:11:17 GMT, Jonathan Ball
> wrote:

>Jahnu wrote:

>> Keeping animals for slaughter is grossly sinful.

>No, it isn't.

Yes, it is very, very sinful. And mother nature is going to punish

>You, however, ARE grossly hateful.

You only think like that because you hate the truth.

>You are a very small person.

Obviously not since I have gotten you all riled up.
  #137 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 19:14:35 -0500, "rick etter"
> wrote:

>"Jahnu" > wrote in message

>> Of course it has. Keeping animals for slaughter is grossly sinful.

>Killing animals for your selfishness and entertainment is more a sin,

You mean like in automated slaughter houses that kill at the rate of
7000 chicken a second the world over all year round?

>Why do you continue that death and suffering?

How do you figure I do that? I am the one who is preaching against the
slaughter house culture. You defend institutions that put billions and
billions of animals through countless cruelties every year the world
over to keep up the coca cola culture.
  #138 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 12:46:14 -0600, "Russ Thompson" >

>*** I feel sorry for you.

No you don't. You just say that to give yourself the feeling you are
on top In reality you couldn't care if I died tomorrow.

>People must take advantage of you all the time.

You mean like when you eat at Burger King or Macdonalds? Do you
realize you are eating concentrated bad karma?
  #139 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

"Jahnu" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 08:51:36 -0000, "Benfez"
> > wrote:
> >
> >"Jahnu" > wrote in message

> >> I have presented arguments and scientific facts in favor of my
> >> position.

> >
> >Bollox, you just keep on churning out the same rubbish. Just because
> >someone brainwashed you into thinking these things are true, it does not
> >make it so.

> Hey, it's the other way around. Just because you have been brain
> washed by the coca cola and slaughter house culture that you are a
> product of, to think that what all experts agree on is false, doesn't
> make it any less true. The facts I have presented are not my own
> opinions. They are scientific facts all experts agree on.
> It doesn't matter how much noise you meat heads make, the facts are
> still there and they are still true, and society will be punished by
> nature if it doesn't correct its ways. In fact it already IS being
> punished.
> >Facts are most farm animals enjoy a good quality of life

> In the Disney world you live in, maybe.. not in the real world, buddy.

Not so, I am a UK farmer, I travel extensively including study tours to US,
Canada and all over Europe. You should try it, perhaps then you might see
that what you think to be true is in fact what you've been brainwashed to
> > which is much better than having a world without animals as you want.

> I don't want a world without animals. How can want that, when I'm a
> vegetarian who doesn't want to kill animals? I want them to be
> protected and cared for, not raised for slaughter. It is sinful to
> slaughter animals. Plain as that.

Of course you dont want animals in the world. The logical extension of
being a Vegan or a Veggie is that in your Utopia there would be no animals
as there would be no use for them. Who is going to breed pigs, sheep or
cattle if there is no market?

  #140 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

"Jahnu" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 18:14:47 -0500, "rick etter"
> > wrote:
> >
> >"Jahnu" > wrote in message
> .. .
> >> On Sun, 4 Jan 2004 13:10:05 -0500, "rick etter"
> >> > wrote:
> >>
> >> >yep, that's all you have....

> >What's the matter loser, can't speak for yourself? Can't address what

> >said to you in these hreads? Typical loony that has nothing if it isn't
> >already cut-n-pasted for him.
> >Your one remaining brain cell must really be haveing a hard time keeping

> >with your ignorance, eh killer?

> It doesn't matter how much noise you meat heads make; it doesn't
> matter how much you try to dodge the obvious by your lame and
> unsophisticated your comments, the facts remain, and they don't go
> away, no matter how much you blindly deny them. All experts who has
> something to say in the field agree, that a vegetarian diet is better
> suited for humans, and is also better for mother nature and her other
> inhabitants, than a meat based diet.

I think you are confused. A balanced diet inculding meats is accepted by
all dieticians as the most healthy for the human body. Try reading articles
that are scientifically based insread of the faux moralist tripe that the
happy clappy brigade try and force on us in the high streets.
> Besides that, from a moral and religious point of view it is grossly
> sinful to slaughter other living entities in high-tech slaughter
> houses at the rate we do it right now.

Who's religion? not mine. Do not force your own religious beliefs on others
please. That would make you no better than the provo's in NI, or the
Taliban etc etc.


  #141 (permalink)   Report Post  
Russ Thompson
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

> No you don't. You just say that to give yourself the feeling you are
> on top In reality you couldn't care if I died tomorrow.

*** That's not true. You are a human being and I di care.

> >People must take advantage of you all the time.

> You mean like when you eat at Burger King or Macdonalds?

*** My family and I do not eat that those places.

Do you
> realize you are eating concentrated bad karma?

*** I realize that there is no such thing as "karma".


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  #142 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

Jahnu wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 18:36:39 -0500, "rick etter"
> > wrote:
>>No, you are being deliberatly ignorant. The production, processing,
>>storage, and transportation of *your* veggies is what is being called into
>>question, stupid. If you claim that people shouldn't raise meat where
>>veggies can grow, then *you* should be eating meat instead of wasteing all
>>the resources and energy it takes to get veggies to where you are.

> Are you really as brain dead as you sound? How do you think they get
> the meat to where you are?

Not to change the subject, but just curious. Does ISKCON still have that
farm in Juniata County, PA where they keep the bull calves around feeding
them corn silage until they die?

  #143 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

Jahnu wrote:

> On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 20:10:14 GMT, Jonathan Ball
> > wrote:
>>Animals are wantonly killed in the course of producing,
>>storing and distributing your vegetables, the ones you
>>stupidly think are righteous because they don't contain
>>animal parts.
>>How much rice do you eat?

> Do you mean to say that there wouldn't be a difference if I smashed
> your head with a shovel and squished a tomato?

There's a huge difference. I have rights.

Go ahead and try your shovel trick on me. Your guts
will be sprayed around about 20 square meters.

Answer the question: how much rice do you eat?

> Do you actually want me
> to believe you don't distinguish between which living entity you kill?
> Would it be the same to you to kill a pig as it would to harvest corn?
> I don't believe you. In that case, watch out for the guys in white
> coat.

We're talking about animals, you fat ****: the animals
whose death YOU cause by eating whatever it is you eat.
You cause the wanton death of animals.

How much rice do you eat? Answer the question, now.

  #144 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

Jahnu wrote:

> On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 20:11:17 GMT, Jonathan Ball
> > wrote:
>>Jahnu wrote:

>>>Keeping animals for slaughter is grossly sinful.

>>No, it isn't.

> Yes, it is very, very sinful

Only in your damaged, hate-filled imagination.
Sensible people realize it isn't sinful.

>>You, however, ARE grossly hateful.

> You only think like that because you hate the truth.

You have not told the truth. You cynically EVADE the
truth. Hate-filled people like you cannot tell the truth.

>>You are a very small person.

  #145 (permalink)   Report Post  
Thighbone Lee Jackson
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Tue, 06 Jan 2004 16:22:00 GMT, Jonathan Ball
> wrote:

>Jahnu wrote:
>> On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 20:10:14 GMT, Jonathan Ball
>> > wrote:
>>>Animals are wantonly killed in the course of producing,
>>>storing and distributing your vegetables, the ones you
>>>stupidly think are righteous because they don't contain
>>>animal parts.
>>>How much rice do you eat?

>> Do you mean to say that there wouldn't be a difference if I smashed
>> your head with a shovel and squished a tomato?

>There's a huge difference.

Not with your head, except maybe the tomato would put up a better

> I have rights.

You have many diseases you cockroach.

>Go ahead and try your shovel trick on me. Your guts
>will be sprayed around about 20 square meters.

Tomato head remember.

>Answer the question: how much rice do you eat?
>> Do you actually want me
>> to believe you don't distinguish between which living entity you kill?
>> Would it be the same to you to kill a pig as it would to harvest corn?
>> I don't believe you. In that case, watch out for the guys in white
>> coat.

>We're talking about animals, you fat ****: the animals
>whose death YOU cause by eating whatever it is you eat.
> You cause the wanton death of animals.

Really prove it.

>How much rice do you eat? Answer the question, now.

What does it matter?


'You can't win 'em all.'
Lord Haw Haw.

Since I stopped donating money to CONservation hooligan charities
Like the RSPB, Woodland Trust and all the other fat cat charities
I am in the top 0.801% richest people in the world.
There are 5,951,930,035 people poorer than me

If you're really interested I am the 48,069,965
richest person in the world.

And I'm keeping the bloody lot.

So sue me.

Newsgroup ettiquette

1) Tell everyone the Trolls don't bother you.
2) Say you've killfiled them, yet continue to respond.
3) Tell other people off who repsond despite doing so yourself.
4) Continually talk about Trolls while maintaining
they're having no effect.
5) Publicly post killfile rules so the Trolls know
how to avoid them.
6) Make lame legal threats and other barrel scraping
manoeuvres when your abuse reports are ignored.
7) Eat vast quantities of pies.
8) Forget to brush your teeth for several decades.
9) Help a demon.local poster with their email while
secretly reading it.
10) Pretend you're a hard ******* when in fact you're
as bent as a roundabout.
11) Become the laughing stock of Usenet like Mabbet
12) Die of old age
13) Keep paying Dr Chartham his fees and hope one day you
will have a penis the girls can see.


"If you would'nt talk to them in a bar, don't *uckin' vote for them"

"Australia was not *discovered* it was invaded"
The Big Yin.

  #146 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

Russ Thompson wrote:

>>Remember: this isn't the point. People want meat, and
>>there's nothing wrong with expending resources to
>>produce it. But if the goal is the most calories from
>>the smallest possible input of resources, meat is
>>absolutely unnecessary.

> *** If that was really our goal (and it certainly is not at this time) then
> farm animals would be absolutly necessary. Cattle and sheep have the
> abiliety to turn rough pasture that is unsuitable for farming into valuable
> meat, milk, and fiber. They are also capable of converting what would
> otherwise be a waste product into milk meat and fiber. Things like cotton
> seed, soy huls, wheat mids, to name but a few are by products of the process
> of turning crops into a form usable to humans. All of these thing can be
> eated by livestock and converted from a waste product to something valuable.

I've been waiting for someone to point this out. As a farmer you know
that farming is taking soil and managing it to produce food. People who
have never been really involved in agriculture don't seem to realize that
not all land is suitable for raising human edible crops and that
non-human animals can make that ground more productive than it would be
on its own.

> There is also the issue of animals being necessary for sustainable
> agriculture.
> Kala Thompson
> Farmer
> Richland Center, WI USA
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> - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
> -----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----

  #147 (permalink)   Report Post  
rick etter
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

"Jahnu" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 18:14:47 -0500, "rick etter"
> > wrote:
> >
> >"Jahnu" > wrote in message
> .. .
> >> On Sun, 4 Jan 2004 13:10:05 -0500, "rick etter"
> >> > wrote:
> >>
> >> >yep, that's all you have....

> >What's the matter loser, can't speak for yourself? Can't address what

> >said to you in these hreads? Typical loony that has nothing if it isn't
> >already cut-n-pasted for him.
> >Your one remaining brain cell must really be haveing a hard time keeping

> >with your ignorance, eh killer?

> It doesn't matter how much noise you meat heads make; it doesn't
> matter how much you try to dodge the obvious by your lame and
> unsophisticated your comments, the facts remain, and they don't go
> away, no matter how much you blindly deny them.

You're the one in denial, killer. Denisl about your bloody footprints,
denial about healthy diets, denial about your religion of veg*nism.

All experts who has
> something to say in the field agree, that a vegetarian diet is better
> suited for humans, and is also better for mother nature and her other
> inhabitants, than a meat based diet.

No, it doesn't. You've yet to show that, killer.
Obviously in your case, areested development is the result.

> Besides that, from a moral and religious point of view it is grossly
> sinful to slaughter other living entities in high-tech slaughter
> houses at the rate we do it right now.

Yet you kill far more animals than some meat eaters for nothing more than
your clean, cheap, conveninet veggies. Why is it ok to kill them and let
them rot? Why is it ok to kill them in far more inhumane ways?

There are being billions of
> animals mass murdered each year in slaughter houses the world over. At
> the moment we slaughter chicken at a rate of 7000 per second on the
> planet. If you think that is going to go unnoticed by mother nature

Not even an bat of a eye by mother nature, killer. Maninly because it's
your mono-cultured crop lands that are doing the most environmental damage,

> (Kali) you can think again. She is going to smack you so severely in
> the face in retribution for each slaughtered individual, who are all
> HER children. Someone is going to be held accountable.

Bring the **tch on, stupid. You're religious nuttery is as stupid as your
dietary facts.

> In fact, human society is already being punished by mother nature.
> Only red neck, atheist idiots who grew up in a Mickey Mouse culture,
> who actually believe their coca cola and slaughter house culture is
> the real world, worthy of export to the rest of the world, will think
> that nature is not going to punish them for their crimes against her.

You already are being punished I see. Stupidity and the need to demostrate
that to all the world is your punishment, dolt.

> Any thoughtful person will rebel against such a nightmare the world is
> turning into with fools and rascals in control, and a lot of brain
> dead Disney clones on usenet to make static, distortional noises for
> them
> <laughing madly>
> Ok, I'm puling your leg a little, but remember it is all in the
> service of the common good. Slaughter houses are out. Face it or face
> the consequences. Mother nature is not one to mess with when she is
> angry.

Face it hypocrite, you have nothing. Animals in slaughter houses die a far
more humane death than any animal that dies for your cheap, clean,
convenient veggies.

> Anyone wants to eat meat let him slaughter his own prey.

Anyong the wants to eat veggies, let him grow his own. Too bad you're too
stupid to know how, killer.

Now, go have that nice blood-drenched dinner, killer.

  #148 (permalink)   Report Post  
rick etter
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

"Jahnu" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 19:11:57 -0500, "rick etter"
> > wrote:
> >
> >"Jahnu" > wrote in message

> >> Apart from that do you mean to say, that it is alright to slaughter
> >> animals in the billions every year in automated slaughter houses,

> >==================
> >At least they die a humane death, unlike the ones that suffer and die at

> >hands of your crop production.

> hahahahaha, are you for real? Do you actually believe that the burgers
> in Burger King and Macdonald come from cows who died humane deads?

Yes. Too bad all you have are delusional screes and spew from hate mongers.

> is it humane to have a nail shut into your brain, meat head?

Far more so than to be sliced, diced, dis-membered, shredded, or poisoned,
You contribute to the death and suffering of far more animals than some meat
eaters, and they *all* die far more inhumane death than animals in slaughter
Too bad your religion won't allow the truth to be told, eh hypocrite?

Now, go have that nice blood-drenched dinner, killer.

  #149 (permalink)   Report Post  
rick etter
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

"Jahnu" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 19:14:35 -0500, "rick etter"
> > wrote:
> >
> >"Jahnu" > wrote in message

> >> Of course it has. Keeping animals for slaughter is grossly sinful.

> >=================
> >Killing animals for your selfishness and entertainment is more a sin,
> >killer.

> You mean like in automated slaughter houses that kill at the rate of
> 7000 chicken a second the world over all year round?

No, like the millions and millions of animals that die horrible, inhumane
deaths for nothing more than your cheap, convenient veggies, hypocrite.

You see, like all veg*n loons, all you can do is focus on what you think
others are doing. You're afraid to look inward at your own diet. You
follow only a simple rule for a simple mind, eat no meat. Never mind that
there are meats that cause far less animal death and environmental damge
than the food you eat now. Your religious zealotry doesn't allow you to
examine anything too closely, otherwise it would fall like the hause of
cards it is.

> >Why do you continue that death and suffering?

> How do you figure I do that?

By eating fool. Do you really believe that your diet is cruelty free?

I am the one who is preaching against the
> slaughter house culture. You defend institutions that put billions and
> billions of animals through countless cruelties every year the world
> over to keep up the coca cola culture.

What a coinsidence, so do you, especially since you eat lots of imported
food stuffs.


Now, go have that nice blood-drenched dinner, killer.

  #150 (permalink)   Report Post  
rick etter
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

"Jahnu" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 19:18:15 -0500, "rick etter"
> > wrote:
> >
> >"Jahnu" > wrote in message

> >> hehe, see how desparate they become when you just flood them with
> >> facts. I can just see the idiot, flustered, hammering away on his
> >> key-board so eager to send his lame comments that he doesn't even take
> >> the time to run the spell checker first.

> >Now, go have that nice blood-drenched dinner, hypocrite.
> >>
> >> No thanks, I leave that to you, meat-head.

> >You really have no clue as to your bloody footprints, do you, fool?

> Listen, I am the vegetarian. I don't even kill flies. I think there is
> a soul inside all living entities - how exactly are my footprints
> bloody, O wise one?

So, you really believe that your diet is death free?
You truly are delusional and totally ignorant.

> And you eat meat and support a superfluous coca cola and
> slaughterhouse culture. They go hand in hand in Macdonald. Are you so
> idiotic that you are unaware of the violent crimes companies like
> Burger King and Macdonald commit towards nature?

You have no idea how idiotic you sound, do you? Do you have any idea how
many 'sins' against nature mono-culture crop farming causes?
You're ignorance is so total that you aren't even smart enough to know how
stupid you are.

> And you accuse me, a peaceful vegetarian, who is preaching against
> cruelty to other living entities, of having bloody footprints... ??

Yes. And you prove that you don't really care about animals with each and
every post you make to usenet, hypocrite.
You post here for nothing more than your entertainment. Entertainment that
contributes to many millions of animal deaths every year.
Mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians. Why are the animals you
kill for entertainment not any more worthy of life than the ones that are
eaten for survival?

> ..hahahahaha that's just too lame.. are you actually being serious?
> Tell me you are joking, right? You can't be this brain washed.

Apparently you are that brainwashed. Too bad. Too bad for the animals you
claim to care for. If you weren't so ignorant, and you really cared, you
make choices that reduce your footprints, but, since you don't care, and
you're too stupid to know, then all you do is kill, kill, kill. Wantonly,
and with aboandon.

Now, go have that nice blood-drenched dinner, killer.

Here are some sites, with info on specific areas and
pesticides. Animals die.

Since your non-animal clothing isn't cruelty-free either,
here's a couple to cover some problems with cotton.

To give you an idea of the sheer number of animals in a field,
here's some sites about *just* mice and voles. Note that there
can be 100s to 1000s in each acre, not the whole field.

To cover your selfish pleasure of using usenet, here's are a couple
dealing with power and communications.


  #151 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

Jahnu wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 19:18:15 -0500, "rick etter"
> > wrote:
>>"Jahnu" > wrote in message

>>>hehe, see how desparate they become when you just flood them with
>>>facts. I can just see the idiot, flustered, hammering away on his
>>>key-board so eager to send his lame comments that he doesn't even take
>>>the time to run the spell checker first.

>>Now, go have that nice blood-drenched dinner, hypocrite.
>>>No thanks, I leave that to you, meat-head.

>>You really have no clue as to your bloody footprints, do you, fool?

> Listen, I am the vegetarian. I don't even kill flies. I think there is
> a soul inside all living entities - how exactly are my footprints
> bloody, O wise one?

How much rice do you eat, killer?

> And you eat meat and support a superfluous coca cola and
> slaughterhouse culture. They go hand in hand in Macdonald. Are you so
> idiotic that you are unaware of the violent crimes companies like
> Burger King and Macdonald commit towards nature?
> And you accuse me, a peaceful vegetarian, who is preaching against
> cruelty to other living entities, of having bloody footprints... ??
> ..hahahahaha that's just too lame.. are you actually being serious?
> Tell me you are joking, right? You can't be this brain washed.

Stuff your Krishna phony baloney up your ass.

  #152 (permalink)   Report Post  
rick etter
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

"Jahnu" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 20:10:14 GMT, Jonathan Ball
> > wrote:
> >Animals are wantonly killed in the course of producing,
> >storing and distributing your vegetables, the ones you
> >stupidly think are righteous because they don't contain
> >animal parts.
> >
> >How much rice do you eat?

> Do you mean to say that there wouldn't be a difference if I smashed
> your head with a shovel and squished a tomato? Do you actually want me
> to believe you don't distinguish between which living entity you kill?
> Would it be the same to you to kill a pig as it would to harvest corn?
> I don't believe you. In that case, watch out for the guys in white
> coat.

You really have no clue do you?

Hey all, here's the latest example of the veg*n loon that wants to claim
that no animals die for his diet.

And here, all your guys have been claiming that these people don't exist.
If i were veg*n I'd email him and clue him in before he makes himself, you,
and veg*nism look any more ridiculous than it already does.

  #153 (permalink)   Report Post  
Russ Thompson
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.


> You snipped the evidence, but it is still there, and it is still true.
> The reason you can't see it is because you are not truthful.

*** Your standard of "evidence" must be very low. Not only is that NY Times
artical not true it doesn't even make sence.


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  #154 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

Jahnu wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 18:18:47 -0500, "rick etter"
> > wrote:
>>"Jahnu" > wrote in message


>>ROTFLMAO You've still lost, killer.
>>snippage of crappola, again...

> You snipped the evidence, but it is still there, and it is still true.

It isn't "evidence" of anything except your
gullibility, and your dedication to your hatred.

> The reason you can't see it is because you are not truthful.

He can't see it because there's nothing there, you
stupid hatemonger.

  #155 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 13:51:24 -0000, "Benfez"
> wrote:

>"Jahnu" > wrote in message

>> Besides that, from a moral and religious point of view it is grossly
>> sinful to slaughter other living entities in high-tech slaughter
>> houses at the rate we do it right now.

>Who's religion? not mine. Do not force your own religious beliefs on others

You force your coca cola and slaughter house culture on me. The system
you support force their Mickey Mouse culture down the throat of the
whole world. Macdonald and burgerking outlets are spreading like a
cancer all over the planet. It's an evil system and anyone who defends
it is either evil or grossly misled. It is simply a major sinful
practice to make profit and create a whole culture out of slaughtering
animals. When will you get it through your thick meat head sculls (I
am not talking to you personally, just what you represent) that mother
nature is gong to punish such a sinful culture severely?

>That would make you no better than the provo's in NI, or the
>Taliban etc etc.

Come on, let's go nuke 'em, boys (so we can get their oil).

<laughing madly>

  #156 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 17:11:07 -0500, "rick etter"
> wrote:

>"Jahnu" > wrote in message

>Now, go have that nice blood-drenched dinner, killer.

You are one severely deluded puppy.

The Trappist monks of the Catholic Church practiced
vegetarianism from the founding of their Order until the Second
Vatican Council in the late 1960s. According to the Trappist
rules, as formulated by Armand Jean de Rance (1626-1700), "in
the dining hall nothing is layed out except: pulse, roots,
cabbages, or milk, but never any fish... the use of simple and
rough food has its origin with the holy apostles (James, Peter,

Many Christian saints were vegetarian out of compassion
for other living creatures. St. Richard of Wyche, a vegetarian,
was moved by the sight of animals taken to slaughter. "Poor
innocent little creatures," he observed. "If you were reasoning
beings and could speak, you would curse us. For we are the cause
of your death, and what have you done to deserve it?"

Similarly, St. Filipo Neri (born 1515), spent his entire
life protecting and rescuing other living creatures. He lived as
an ascetic. He sold his books and gave the money to the poor. He
worked without pay in the city hospital, tending to the sick and
the poor. He gave whatever he possessed to others. St. Filipo
loved the animals and could not bear to see them suffer. He took
the mice caught in traps away from people's homes and set them
free in the fields and stables. A vegetarian, he could not
endure walking past a butcher shop. On one occasion, he exclaimed,
"If everyone were like me, no one would kill animals!"

Indeed, some of the most distinguished figures in the
history of Christianity have been vegetarian, or at least sympathetic
to animal rights: Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, St.
Jerome, St. John Chrysostom, St. Basil, St. Andrew, Sir Thomas More,
Quaker pacifists, St. Columban, John Wesley, Sylvester Graham,
William Paley, Ellen White, Mary Baker Eddy, Cardinal John H. Newman,
Reverend Basil Wrighton, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, etc..

C.S. Lewis wrote against vivisection (animal experimentation)
in the 1940s, in an essay entitled, "On Abolition." Frances Arnetta,
a vegetarian, founded Christians Helping Animals and People (CHAP),
and advocates vegetarianism in a tract entitled, "Vegetarianism:
God's Best for All Concerned." The Reverend Andrew Linzey, an
Anglican clergyman, puts forth a theological case for animal
liberation in "Christianity and the Rights of Animals." (1987)
  #157 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 18:00:21 -0600, "Russ Thompson" >


>> You snipped the evidence, but it is still there, and it is still true.
>> The reason you can't see it is because you are not truthful.

>*** Your standard of "evidence" must be very low. Not only is that NY Times
>artical not true it doesn't even make sence.

Why do you think that?
  #158 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Wed, 07 Jan 2004 00:03:33 GMT, Jonathan Ball
> wrote:

>Jahnu wrote:

>He can't see it because there's nothing there, you
>stupid hatemonger.

Ooh hatemonger <said in a whiney brat voice>

First you spew hatred, intolerance and ridicule because someone dare
suggest we should not kill animals, and then you whine and whimper
when someone fights back and tells you like it is.

You are one seriously pathetic individual.
  #159 (permalink)   Report Post  
Russ Thompson
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

> Why do you think that?

There is no shortage of food right now or in the recent past. At this time
our government is paying farmers not to grow crops to help get rid of the
huge stock of grain and other food. If we stoped feeding grain to animals
and created even larger amounts of grain with no market how is that going to
help those that are hungry? Not one person in the world is starving due to a
lack of food. They are starving due to the inabiliety to get the food from
where it is to where it is needed. If they can't buy it now or if they live
in a country that won't allow them to buy it how are they helped by not
feeding grain to animals?

Kala Thompson
Richland Center, Wi USA

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  #160 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default No need for farm animals.

On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 17:40:05 -0500, "rick etter"
> wrote:

>"Jahnu" > wrote in message

>> Listen, I am the vegetarian. I don't even kill flies. I think there is
>> a soul inside all living entities - how exactly are my footprints
>> bloody, O wise one?

>So, you really believe that your diet is death free?

Who said I believed that?
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