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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
usual suspect
Posts: n/a
Default Karen's "foster son"

Karen has used at least three different ages when her adult "foster son"
was supposedly kicked out of his home: 11, 12, 13. She has no room to
criticize this guy's parents: after all, she abandoned her own son at an
even younger age. She didn't even meet the "foster son" until he was 19,
so she really only has his word for it. By her own accounts, there would
be little reason to take his word for it: he sadly had many problems
ranging from drug abuse to homosexuality to prostituting himself.

I thought I remembered something else about the prostitution involved
and it shows yet another inconsistency in her story.

My child was already away at school by the time I got to know
any "out" pedophiles. My "foster son" ( who was already 19 when
I first met him)had been an underage prostitute before I met
him, and was quite clear that he enjoyed the sex itself, and
much preferred that as a way of supporting himself to flipping
burgers at McOffal's.

That contradicts what she told someone else:
My foster son was an abuser of crystal meth. He ruined his life
in many ways. Why did he take it? Because he had problems that
only chemical oblivion could eae. he had been tossed out when
he was eleven years old because he was ***. He had lived and
worked as a prostitute because that's the ONLY work a child can
GET legally!

Three different ages given and two different reasons for prostituting
himself. I said it was fishy, and I was right.

I don't know what the whole story is with that guy. It's sad regardless
of how he ended up on the streets, and it's sad that his last days were
filled with child-hating monsters like Karen and Sylvia rather than his
own family. In reality, Karen probably befriended a couple of young
punks and did nothing to discourage their openly risky behavior (see
below: I wouldn't doubt if she ENCOURAGED risky behavior). What she did
isn't foster parenting (fits in with her usual game of semantics; she
doesn't understand the word "protestant," either).

We can also conclude that her counselling of the young street urchin was
a matter of the blind leading the blind since she isn't playing with a
full deck, either. Consider the rest of the first snippet above:

I would have had no hesitation in letting my son associate
with the responsible pedophiles I met. Just as associating
with a *** person will not "turn" a straight kid ***,
associating with a _responsible_ pedophile ( meaning one
who respects his partners and does not rape or coerce
them against their will) will not make a child who is
not at all interested in sexual activity of some kind with
an older person into a "victim." In our society, I would
be much more concerned about a furtive encounter with
a secretive, predatory rapist than a friendship between
members of my family and someone who is willing to come out
as a responsible pedophile. I would tend to trust such a
person, if I knew him well enough for him to trust me with
the information and he had proved himself honorable and

She was no more a "foster mother" than she was a real one. Real parents
take care of their children rather than abandoning them; they discourage
behavior that will cause their children problems in life; they protect
them from bad influences rather than introduce them to pedophiles.

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default Karen's "foster son"

usual suspect wrote:

> Karen has used at least three different ages when her adult "foster son"
> was supposedly kicked out of his home: 11, 12, 13. She has no room to
> criticize this guy's parents: after all, she abandoned her own son at an
> even younger age. She didn't even meet the "foster son" until he was 19,
> so she really only has his word for it. By her own accounts, there would
> be little reason to take his word for it: he sadly had many problems
> ranging from drug abuse to homosexuality to prostituting himself.
> I thought I remembered something else about the prostitution involved
> and it shows yet another inconsistency in her story.
> My child was already away at school by the time I got to know
> any "out" pedophiles. My "foster son" ( who was already 19 when
> I first met him)had been an underage prostitute before I met
> him, and was quite clear that he enjoyed the sex itself, and
> much preferred that as a way of supporting himself to flipping
> burgers at McOffal's.
> That contradicts what she told someone else:
> My foster son was an abuser of crystal meth. He ruined his life
> in many ways. Why did he take it? Because he had problems that
> only chemical oblivion could eae. he had been tossed out when
> he was eleven years old because he was ***. He had lived and
> worked as a prostitute because that's the ONLY work a child can
> GET legally!
> Three different ages given and two different reasons for prostituting
> himself. I said it was fishy, and I was right.
> I don't know what the whole story is with that guy. It's sad regardless
> of how he ended up on the streets, and it's sad that his last days were
> filled with child-hating monsters like Karen and Sylvia rather than his
> own family. In reality, Karen probably befriended a couple of young
> punks and did nothing to discourage their openly risky behavior (see
> below: I wouldn't doubt if she ENCOURAGED risky behavior). What she did
> isn't foster parenting (fits in with her usual game of semantics; she
> doesn't understand the word "protestant," either).
> We can also conclude that her counselling of the young street urchin was
> a matter of the blind leading the blind since she isn't playing with a
> full deck, either. Consider the rest of the first snippet above:
> I would have had no hesitation in letting my son associate
> with the responsible pedophiles I met. Just as associating
> with a *** person will not "turn" a straight kid ***,
> associating with a _responsible_ pedophile ( meaning one
> who respects his partners and does not rape or coerce
> them against their will) will not make a child who is
> not at all interested in sexual activity of some kind with
> an older person into a "victim." In our society, I would
> be much more concerned about a furtive encounter with
> a secretive, predatory rapist than a friendship between
> members of my family and someone who is willing to come out
> as a responsible pedophile. I would tend to trust such a
> person, if I knew him well enough for him to trust me with
> the information and he had proved himself honorable and
> trustworthy.
> She was no more a "foster mother" than she was a real one. Real parents
> take care of their children rather than abandoning them; they discourage
> behavior that will cause their children problems in life; they protect
> them from bad influences rather than introduce them to pedophiles.

If you go back and read all the early references to
"foster son" appearing under her posting ID, the
majority of the posts are by the fetal-alcohol syndrome
wreckage Sylvia. It appears, strangely, that Sylvia,
the one who hates children, was the instigator of the
pseudo-fostering (of a 19-year-old). Karen, ever the
PC finger-in-the-eye self-righteous hate-spewer, was
more than happy to go along.

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
usual suspect
Posts: n/a
Default Karen's "foster son"

Jonathan Ball wrote:
>> Karen has used at least three different ages when her adult "foster
>> son" was supposedly kicked out of his home: 11, 12, 13. She has no
>> room to criticize this guy's parents: after all, she abandoned her own
>> son at an even younger age. She didn't even meet the "foster son"
>> until he was 19, so she really only has his word for it. By her own
>> accounts, there would be little reason to take his word for it: he
>> sadly had many problems ranging from drug abuse to homosexuality to
>> prostituting himself.
>> I thought I remembered something else about the prostitution involved
>> and it shows yet another inconsistency in her story.
>> My child was already away at school by the time I got to know
>> any "out" pedophiles. My "foster son" ( who was already 19 when
>> I first met him)had been an underage prostitute before I met
>> him, and was quite clear that he enjoyed the sex itself, and
>> much preferred that as a way of supporting himself to flipping
>> burgers at McOffal's.
>> That contradicts what she told someone else:
>> My foster son was an abuser of crystal meth. He ruined his life
>> in many ways. Why did he take it? Because he had problems that
>> only chemical oblivion could eae. he had been tossed out when
>> he was eleven years old because he was ***. He had lived and
>> worked as a prostitute because that's the ONLY work a child can
>> GET legally!
>> Three different ages given and two different reasons for prostituting
>> himself. I said it was fishy, and I was right.
>> I don't know what the whole story is with that guy. It's sad
>> regardless of how he ended up on the streets, and it's sad that his
>> last days were filled with child-hating monsters like Karen and Sylvia
>> rather than his own family. In reality, Karen probably befriended a
>> couple of young punks and did nothing to discourage their openly risky
>> behavior (see below: I wouldn't doubt if she ENCOURAGED risky
>> behavior). What she did isn't foster parenting (fits in with her usual
>> game of semantics; she doesn't understand the word "protestant," either).
>> We can also conclude that her counselling of the young street urchin
>> was a matter of the blind leading the blind since she isn't playing
>> with a full deck, either. Consider the rest of the first snippet above:
>> I would have had no hesitation in letting my son associate
>> with the responsible pedophiles I met. Just as associating
>> with a *** person will not "turn" a straight kid ***,
>> associating with a _responsible_ pedophile ( meaning one
>> who respects his partners and does not rape or coerce
>> them against their will) will not make a child who is
>> not at all interested in sexual activity of some kind with
>> an older person into a "victim." In our society, I would
>> be much more concerned about a furtive encounter with
>> a secretive, predatory rapist than a friendship between
>> members of my family and someone who is willing to come out
>> as a responsible pedophile. I would tend to trust such a
>> person, if I knew him well enough for him to trust me with
>> the information and he had proved himself honorable and
>> trustworthy.
>> She was no more a "foster mother" than she was a real one. Real
>> parents take care of their children rather than abandoning them; they
>> discourage behavior that will cause their children problems in life;
>> they protect them from bad influences rather than introduce them to
>> pedophiles.

> If you go back and read all the early references to "foster son"
> appearing under her posting ID, the majority of the posts are by the
> fetal-alcohol syndrome wreckage Sylvia. It appears, strangely, that
> Sylvia, the one who hates children, was the instigator of the
> pseudo-fostering (of a 19-year-old). Karen, ever the PC
> finger-in-the-eye self-righteous hate-spewer, was more than happy to go
> along.

I sadly also found more disheartening prattle comparing her virtue to
others, including Sue Bishop:

The Faceless ARA Masses strike again, eh, Sue? IIRC, you
claim to have one foster son. I had one foster son, and
helped to nurse, first his lover of eight years, and then J.R.
himself, through process of dying of AIDS. Dealing with AIDS
dementia and the final stages is much like dealing with a
rescue puppy dying of parvo. Done that, too.

I think Sue's foster child was different: probably younger -- a minor --
and legally recognized as a foster child (and that has NOTHING to do
with "about 350 benefits"). I also doubt Mrs Bishop would use a dead
foster child to try to score cheap debate points, much less compare
taking care of a dying loved one to caring for a puppy dying of parvo.
Karen is shameless.

But get this:
My foster-son knew he was *** at age nine, and had come out and
left his biological parents' home by age thirteen.

Just as I suspected: the kid was a runaway. I doubt, though, he was
homosexual at nine. He may have been molested at or around that age,
which certainly could've driven him to run away and live the short life
he did. It's a shame Karen and Sylvia didn't offer him hope or help him
find anything positive in life.

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default Karen's "foster son"

usual suspect wrote:

> Jonathan Ball wrote:

>> If you go back and read all the early references to "foster son"
>> appearing under her posting ID, the majority of the posts are by the
>> fetal-alcohol syndrome wreckage Sylvia. It appears, strangely, that
>> Sylvia, the one who hates children, was the instigator of the
>> pseudo-fostering (of a 19-year-old). Karen, ever the PC
>> finger-in-the-eye self-righteous hate-spewer, was more than happy to
>> go along.

> I sadly also found more disheartening prattle comparing her virtue to
> others, including Sue Bishop:
> The Faceless ARA Masses strike again, eh, Sue? IIRC, you
> claim to have one foster son. I had one foster son, and
> helped to nurse, first his lover of eight years, and then J.R.
> himself, through process of dying of AIDS. Dealing with AIDS
> dementia and the final stages is much like dealing with a
> rescue puppy dying of parvo. Done that, too.
> I think Sue's foster child was different: probably younger -- a minor --
> and legally recognized as a foster child (and that has NOTHING to do
> with "about 350 benefits"). I also doubt Mrs Bishop would use a dead
> foster child to try to score cheap debate points, much less compare
> taking care of a dying loved one to caring for a puppy dying of parvo.
> Karen is shameless.

No, as vile a person as Sue Bitchup is (I've had lots
of unpleasant run-ins with her), she did legitimately
take in a foster child, and for the right reasons.
Based on what she has written about him, he turned out
better than one of her own biological offspring.

> But get this:
> My foster-son knew he was *** at age nine, and had come out and
> left his biological parents' home by age thirteen.
> Just as I suspected: the kid was a runaway. I doubt, though, he was
> homosexual at nine.

No kid "knows" he's queer at age nine. That's one of
the politically motivated myths of the queer movement.

> He may have been molested at or around that age,
> which certainly could've driven him to run away and live the short life
> he did. It's a shame Karen and Sylvia didn't offer him hope or help him
> find anything positive in life.

A shame, probably even a moral crime, but hardly
surprising, given their hatred for (Sylvia) or
indifference to (Karen) children.

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Karen's "foster son"

"Jonathan Ball" > wrote in message

Here's a partial list of your harassment targets:

> Sue Bitchup




Why do you harass women?

Do you have a psychological flaw that creates this behaviour? - Don't
answer, we know the answer to that one you baldy ****ing dwarf.

  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default Karen's "foster son"

Impotence wrote:

> "Jonathan Ball" > wrote in message
> .net...
> Here's a partial list of your harassment targets:

Nope. You wouldn't know real harassment from tomato
catsup. You don't know your ass from your face.

>>Sue Bitchup






> Pearl


> Why do you harass women?

I don't.

  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Karen's "foster son"

"Jonathan Ball the STALKER" > wrote in message
> Impotence wrote:
> > "Jonathan Ball" > wrote in message
> > .net...
> >
> > Here's a partial list of your harassment targets:

> > Why do you harass women?

> I don't.

We know you do baldy.

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rusty Lipbalm
Posts: n/a
Default Karen's "foster son"

Jonathan Ball wrote:

> Impotence wrote:
> > "Jonathan Ball" > wrote in message
> > .net...
> >
> > Here's a partial list of your harassment targets:

> Nope. You wouldn't know real harassment from tomato
> catsup. You don't know your ass from your face.
> Now but you would Jony boy. Someone like you that suffers from severe
> rectal cranial inversion knows all about his ass knowing his face!

> (Clue as to where
> Jonathan Ball gets his ideas)

If you want to know who it is that Johny Ball aspires to be like it is
the big fat idiot Rush Limbaugh! The guy listen to hate radio and then
has delusions that he is *** basher/health basher/education basher
anything or anyone that has the guts to better himself and little
penised Jony Ball gets all up in tizzy. I just wish I knew what his
family did to him to make such a dumb ass that has no clue how the rest
of the world sees him.

> >>Sue Bitchup

> Nope.
> >
> >
> >>Karen

> Nope.
> >
> >
> >>Sylvia

> Nope.
> >
> >
> > Pearl

> Nope.
> >
> > Why do you harass women?

> I don't.

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Rat & Swan
Posts: n/a
Default Karen's "foster son"

Jonathan Ball wrote:

> usual suspect wrote:


> No kid "knows" he's queer at age nine. That's one of the politically
> motivated myths of the queer movement.

No, it does happen with some kids -- they do know early.

>> He may have been molested at or around that age,

Nope, AFAIK.

>> which certainly
>> could've driven him to run away and live the short life he did. It's a
>> shame Karen and Sylvia didn't offer him hope or help him find anything
>> positive in life.

We did offer him the most positive relationship outside of his
partnership with Darryl.


  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Barney Fifet
Posts: n/a
Default Karen's "foster son"

> Jonathan Ball wrote:
> > No kid "knows" he's queer at age nine. That's one of the politically
> > motivated myths of the queer movement.


Here it is again a truck stop educated cultural descendant of the klukluxklan
makes statements as fact when he has no clue what he is talking about. Unless
he is speaking from personal knowledge and he himself did not know he was ***
until age ten, their is now way he can make such a claim. On the other hand
all *** people know they are *** in the same way that all hetro sexual people
do. The real myth is that those that fought and lost the civil war never got
over the LOSER status they got from it. That is why white southern
protestants never stop waving their bible in hopes of being something other
than a cultural descendant of slave traders. And they never stop waving their
flags (north and south) because they hope everyone will forget these benidict
arnolds did everything they could to destroy this nation. After a half
million Americans died they were forced to submit and admit defeat. You see
the same mentality in this mans nonstop attempts to redeem himself using the
same method that brought him down. These types never give up. After the civil
war they kept up their evil with bible in one arm and lynching noose in the
other. Now they got Rush to soothe their troubled minds. Guilt is a powerful
thing that is passed on generation to generation. It's effects can be found
in many aspects of these culturally retarded morons! The north won the war!
Evil always looses. *** bashing Rush Limbaugh propaganda is most commonly
spewed by closeted homosexuals paranoid that the world will read their nasty
thoughts they constanstly spew denials in the form *** bashing. Well I am not
buying it.

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default Karen Winter, moral shirker

Rat & Swan wrote:

> Jonathan Ball wrote:
>> usual suspect wrote:

> <snip>
>> No kid "knows" he's queer at age nine. That's one of the politically
>> motivated myths of the queer movement.

> No, it does happen with some kids -- they do know early.

No, that's part of the queer doctrine, but it isn't true.

>>> He may have been molested at or around that age,

> Nope, AFAIK.
>>> which certainly could've driven him to run away and live the short
>>> life he did. It's a shame Karen and Sylvia didn't offer him hope or
>>> help him find anything positive in life.

> We did offer him the most positive relationship outside of his
> partnership with Darryl.

Damned shame you wouldn't have done the same for your
own son.

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