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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

My earlier point, that the goods whose efficiency of
production is being examined must be as narrowly
defined as possible, can use some further elaboration.
The notion that the more resource-efficient good
should be produced to the exclusion of the less
efficient one is only valid if the goods are perfect,
or very close, substitutes for one another in the
evaluation of consumers.

In the late 1950s and early 1960s in Los Angeles, and
possibly elsewhere, house builders were building "Gold
Medallion All-Electric" houses. No natural gas was
supplied to these houses at all; the water heater,
house heating, clothes dryer, stove and oven all were
electric. It was considered very Jetsons, the wave of
the future; natural gas was viewed as SO Victorian.

Of course, the price of electricity climbed
dramatically, even long before the electricity "crisis"
of 2000-2001, and those houses came to be seen as white
elephants. The production of electricity clearly was
relatively inefficient compared to the production of
natural gas, as reflected in the prices of the two

Does this mean that electricity production should have
been stopped, and natural gas production promoted?
Clearly not. While electricity and gas are fairly
close substitutes for some energy uses, they obviously
are not fully substitutable. No one has ever seen a
gas-powered television set or vacuum cleaner.

This is where people opposed to feeding grain to
livestock make a critical mistake. Consumers don't
merely buy generic "food", any component of which is a
perfect substitute for any other, but that is exactly
what the "inefficiency" argument against feeding grain
to livestock is suggesting. Instead, consumers
evaluate food items according to what nutritional and
taste requirements they meet.

Efficiency of production only realistically pertains to
goods that are, in the eyes of consumers, close
substitutes for one another. At the extreme of
substitutability, one may consider the exact *same*
good produced according to two different methods.
Thus, the consumer is completely indifferent, in terms
of his ability to use the commodity, among electricity
generated by coal-fired, gas-fired or nuclear
generating plants; electricity is electricity. In this
case, the efficiency of the means of production IS
relevant, and only the most efficient - lowest cost -
form of electricity generation should be used, where
"cost" takes into account all the private and social
costs. Broccoli, however, is a terrible substitute for
sirloin steak, as are raspberries, tomatoes, potatoes
and eggplant. The consumer RIGHTLY ignores efficiency
differences in the production of these items, and
considers each item separately, according to how much
he likes them and his willingness to pay for them.

The "inefficiency" argument against feeding grain to
livestock simply doesn't work.

  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
usual suspect
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

Jonathan Ball wrote:
> My earlier point, that the goods whose efficiency of production is being
> examined must be as narrowly defined as possible, can use some further
> elaboration. The notion that the more resource-efficient good should be
> produced to the exclusion of the less efficient one is only valid if the
> goods are perfect, or very close, substitutes for one another in the
> evaluation of consumers.
> In the late 1950s and early 1960s in Los Angeles, and possibly
> elsewhere, house builders were building "Gold Medallion All-Electric"
> houses. No natural gas was supplied to these houses at all; the water
> heater, house heating, clothes dryer, stove and oven all were electric.
> It was considered very Jetsons, the wave of the future; natural gas was
> viewed as SO Victorian.

That was the trend everywhere, and it occurred up through the early '80s
here. Austin was one of the municipalities that bought into the South
Texas Nuclear Project (Austin is one of the last cities to run its own
electric utilities). The lure of STNP was "electricity that would be too
cheap to meter," and the reality was twenty years of delays and cost
overruns before getting *any* generation from the plant. Most Texans are
enjoying deregulated pricing. We have the highest rates in the state,
and among the highest utility costs in the country.

> Of course, the price of electricity climbed dramatically, even long
> before the electricity "crisis" of 2000-2001, and those houses came to
> be seen as white elephants. The production of electricity clearly was
> relatively inefficient compared to the production of natural gas, as
> reflected in the prices of the two utilities.
> Does this mean that electricity production should have been stopped, and
> natural gas production promoted? Clearly not. While electricity and gas
> are fairly close substitutes for some energy uses, they obviously are
> not fully substitutable. No one has ever seen a gas-powered television
> set or vacuum cleaner.
> This is where people opposed to feeding grain to livestock make a
> critical mistake. Consumers don't merely buy generic "food", any
> component of which is a perfect substitute for any other, but that is
> exactly what the "inefficiency" argument against feeding grain to
> livestock is suggesting. Instead, consumers evaluate food items
> according to what nutritional and taste requirements they meet.
> Efficiency of production only realistically pertains to goods that are,
> in the eyes of consumers, close substitutes for one another. At the
> extreme of substitutability, one may consider the exact *same* good
> produced according to two different methods. Thus, the consumer is
> completely indifferent, in terms of his ability to use the commodity,
> among electricity generated by coal-fired, gas-fired or nuclear
> generating plants; electricity is electricity. In this case, the
> efficiency of the means of production IS relevant, and only the most
> efficient - lowest cost - form of electricity generation should be used,
> where "cost" takes into account all the private and social costs.
> Broccoli, however, is a terrible substitute for sirloin steak, as are
> raspberries, tomatoes, potatoes and eggplant. The consumer RIGHTLY
> ignores efficiency differences in the production of these items, and
> considers each item separately, according to how much he likes them and
> his willingness to pay for them.
> The "inefficiency" argument against feeding grain to livestock simply
> doesn't work.

Very well reasoned, Jon. I agree with you about the suitability of
substitutes, but let's entertain the activists on their own terms for a

Let's compare sirloin steak to a "fake meat" like seitan (wheat gluten).
Before one ends up with edible seitan, whole wheat has to be milled into
flour and then gluten is extracted by "washing" the starch out of dough.
Gluten makes up a small portion of wheat flour, so seitan is a very
inefficient use of wheat flour. It takes six to eight pounds of flour to
make one pound of seitan -- how much corn does it take to add a pound to
a steer on a finishing diet? The resulting protein in the seitan isn't
even complete, meaning it lacks certain essential amino acids.

The same is true with tofu. The finished product doesn't equate to a
pound-for-pound use of soybeans. Soybeans are boiled, milled, and
strained to make soy milk; the pulp, often called okara, can be consumed
in other products, but many tofu makers discard it (including to meat
producers). A coagulant is added to the soy milk. The curdle is pressed.
The water remaining from the coagulation and pressing is discarded. It's
a wasteful process. Tofu, like seitan, lacks certain essential amino
acids. The yield is similar to that of feed given to finish beef.

For the activists to be consistent when discussing "inefficiencies" of
meat production, they should dissuade "inefficient" veg-n use of wheat
(seitan) and soybeans (tofu) rather than promoting them as valid
alternatives. They should also note that grazed animals don't eat
grain-based feed. Since humans cannot easily convert grasses into
protein, these activists should promote grass-fed beef, venison, and lamb.

I also don't think it's dawned on these folks that there are plenty of
other areas in which grains are used "inefficiently" but which they
would never complain. Grains are malted to make sweeteners, which seem
to worry veg-n activists much from all the sugary recipes given at AFV
and other veg-n recipe sites. Nor do they object much to "wasting"
grains in beer or distilled spirits.

  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
usual suspect
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

usual suspect wrote:

> Grains are malted to make sweeteners, which


> seem
> to worry veg-n activists much from all the sugary recipes given at AFV
> and other veg-n recipe sites...

  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

usual suspect wrote:
> Jonathan Ball wrote:

[snip interesting elaboration of grain waste except for:]

> Nor do they object much to "wasting"
> grains in beer or distilled spirits.

That is the most noble use of grain imaginable ;-)

  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

"THE texan PANSY" > wrote in message
> usual suspect wrote:
> > Grains are malted to make sweeteners, which

> > seem
> > to worry veg-n activists much from all the sugary recipes given at AFV
> > and other veg-n recipe sites...

Trust you, you ****ing stupid ****, kowtowing to your god ~~jonnie~~. Are
all texans this lame?

You STUPID texan pansy.


  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
usual suspect
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

Jonathan Ball wrote:
> usual suspect wrote:
>> Jonathan Ball wrote:

> [snip interesting elaboration of grain waste except for:]
>> Nor do they object much to "wasting" grains in beer or distilled spirits.

> That is the most noble use of grain imaginable ;-)


  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

"THE texan pansy" > wrote in message
> Jonathan Ball wrote:
> > usual suspect wrote:
> >
> >> Jonathan Ball wrote:
> >>

> > [snip interesting elaboration of grain waste except for:]
> >
> >> Nor do they object much to "wasting" grains in beer or distilled

> >
> > That is the most noble use of grain imaginable ;-)


Arhhh how sweet, just like two little love birds....

  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
usual suspect
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

Suckhard wrote:
> Arhhh how sweet, just like two little love birds....

You accuse both Jon and me of stalking, harassing, etc., though we both
substantively address posts and issues raised in these groups. Yet when
I read your posts, they're never substantive. Never! What are your
posts? Nothing but remarks cruelly noting characteristics of birth and
attempts to agitate. That's harassment. That's stalking. Why don't you
try addressing issues -- rather than physical characteristics -- for a
change, asshole?

  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

"texan pansy boy" > wrote in message
> Suckhard wrote:
> <...>
> > Arhhh how sweet, just like two little love birds....

> You accuse both Jon and me of stalking, harassing, etc., though we both
> substantively address posts and issues raised in these groups. Yet when
> I read your posts, they're never substantive. Never! What are your
> posts? Nothing but remarks cruelly noting characteristics of birth and
> attempts to agitate. That's harassment. That's stalking. Why don't you
> try addressing issues -- rather than physical characteristics -- for a
> change, asshole?

Why are you cutting and posting the same quote from one post to another?

Too much to think of an original paragraph?

You ARE like two love birds. Just noting FACTS.


  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
usual suspect
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

Suckhard wrote:

> Why are you cutting and posting the same quote from one post to another?

To save time.

> Too much to think of an original paragraph?

Just responding in kind. Why expend effort to respond to some nitwit who
merely says, "You're stalking, you're harassing..." over and over?

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

"kowtowing tex" > wrote in message
> Suckhard wrote:
> > Why are you cutting and posting the same quote from one post to another?

> To save time.
> > Too much to think of an original paragraph?

> Just responding in kind. Why expend effort to respond to some nitwit who
> merely says, "You're stalking, you're harassing..." over and over?

I never mentioned it at all in this thread.

The topic here was your sickening kowtowing to ~~the evil Californian


  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

"Zakhar" > wrote in message
> "THE texan pansy" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Jonathan Ball wrote:
> > > usual suspect wrote:
> > >
> > >> Jonathan Ball wrote:
> > >>
> > > [snip interesting elaboration of grain waste except for:]
> > >
> > >> Nor do they object much to "wasting" grains in beer or distilled

> spirits.
> > >
> > > That is the most noble use of grain imaginable ;-)

> >
> > LOL
> >

> Arhhh how sweet, just like two little love birds....

They're the best double act since Bonnie and Clyde:-)

History shows - they were both from Texas.

  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
ipse dixit
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

"Zakhar" > wrote in message ...
> The topic here was your sickening kowtowing to ~~the evil Californian
> dwarf~~

No. The topic here is your refusal to properly engage
your opponents with anything other than puerile quips
followed by quick a dash for the door. As much as I
hate to agree with "usual suspect" and Jon, they're
both correct in saying you have nothing substantive
to offer in support of your position (whatever that may
be) at all.

"usual suspect" wrote:
You accuse both Jon and me of stalking, harassing, etc., though we both
substantively address posts and issues raised in these groups. Yet when
I read your posts, they're never substantive. Never! What are your
posts? Nothing but remarks cruelly noting characteristics of birth and
attempts to agitate. That's harassment. That's stalking. Why don't you
try addressing issues -- rather than physical characteristics -- for a
change, asshole?

You haven't changed one bit since;
[start Derek]
> > Are you going to start chasing me around this
> > forum calling me baldy, or something, now?
> > Let's face it: it's all you do anyway.

> That's not true and you should know it.

It IS true, Zakhar. You and Ray run around
here like a couple of kids in a teenager's
chatroom. Your one-liners aren't even funny
or creative, yet day after day the pair of you
make right chumps out of yourselves by trying
to be cute.

"little baldy dwarf" isn't funny or imaginative, and
it certainly isn't a valid replacement for an answer
to the questions being put to you. If you can't
stand the heat in here, get out an find a nice little
chatroom somewhere.

  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

"ipse dixit" > wrote in message

**** off shit face.

  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

Impotence wrote:

> "ipse dixit" > wrote in message
> ...
> **** off shit face.

That's just doing it AGAIN, GregGeorge.

The topic here is your refusal to properly engage
your opponents with anything other than puerile quips
followed by quick a dash for the door. As much as I
hate to agree with "usual suspect" and Jon, they're
both correct in saying you have nothing substantive
to offer in support of your position (whatever that may
be) at all.

Saying "**** off shit face" and running for the door is
just doing it again.

  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

"*** basher" > wrote in message
> Impotence wrote:
> > "ipse dixit" > wrote in message
> > ...
> >
> > **** off shit face.

> That's just doing it AGAIN, GregGeorge.
> The topic here is your refusal to properly engage
> your opponents with anything other than puerile quips
> followed by quick a dash for the door. As much as I
> hate to agree with "usual suspect" and Jon, they're
> both correct in saying you have nothing substantive
> to offer in support of your position (whatever that may
> be) at all.
> Saying "**** off shit face" and running for the door is
> just doing it again.

LOL the more time I can waste of yours the better.

You deserve each other. The three amigos; ~~jonnie the *** basher~~,
~~flexmex YOUR flexible friend~~ and ~~blue foot the dole scrounger~~.


  #17 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

Impotence wrote:

> "*** basher" > wrote in message
>>Impotence wrote:
>>>"ipse dixit" > wrote in message
>>>**** off shit face.

>>That's just doing it AGAIN, GregGeorge.
>> The topic here is your refusal to properly engage
>> your opponents with anything other than puerile quips
>> followed by quick a dash for the door. As much as I
>> hate to agree with "usual suspect" and Jon, they're
>> both correct in saying you have nothing substantive
>> to offer in support of your position (whatever that may
>> be) at all.
>>Saying "**** off shit face" and running for the door is
>>just doing it again.

> LOL the more time I can waste of yours the better.

You waste very little, GregGeorge. I mostly ignore
you, and I can usually point out your ineloquence and
lack of substance in less than 30 seconds; it takes
another 5 or 6 to change the heading to say "Impotence
wrote" rather than "Zakhar wrote". Do you like that
touch, GregGeorge?

  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

"homophobic dwarf" > wrote in message
> Impotence wrote:
> > "*** basher" > wrote in message
> >
> >
> >>Impotence wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>"ipse dixit" > wrote in message
> ...
> >>>
> >>>**** off shit face.
> >>
> >>That's just doing it AGAIN, GregGeorge.
> >>
> >> The topic here is your refusal to properly engage
> >> your opponents with anything other than puerile quips
> >> followed by quick a dash for the door. As much as I
> >> hate to agree with "usual suspect" and Jon, they're
> >> both correct in saying you have nothing substantive
> >> to offer in support of your position (whatever that may
> >> be) at all.
> >>
> >>Saying "**** off shit face" and running for the door is
> >>just doing it again.

> >
> >
> > LOL the more time I can waste of yours the better.

> You waste very little, GregGeorge. I mostly ignore
> you, and I can usually point out your ineloquence and
> lack of substance in less than 30 seconds; it takes
> another 5 or 6 to change the heading to say "Impotence
> wrote" rather than "Zakhar wrote". Do you like that
> touch, GregGeorge?

I don't gve a shit baldy.

I never noticed the impotence change......NOT.

What a ****ing tosser you are.


  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

Impotence wrote:

> "homophobic dwarf" > wrote in message
>>Impotence wrote:
>>>"*** basher" > wrote in message
>>>>Impotence wrote:
>>>>>"ipse dixit" > wrote in message
>>>>>**** off shit face.
>>>>That's just doing it AGAIN, GregGeorge.
>>>> The topic here is your refusal to properly engage
>>>> your opponents with anything other than puerile quips
>>>> followed by quick a dash for the door. As much as I
>>>> hate to agree with "usual suspect" and Jon, they're
>>>> both correct in saying you have nothing substantive
>>>> to offer in support of your position (whatever that may
>>>> be) at all.
>>>>Saying "**** off shit face" and running for the door is
>>>>just doing it again.
>>>LOL the more time I can waste of yours the better.

>>You waste very little, GregGeorge. I mostly ignore
>>you, and I can usually point out your ineloquence and
>>lack of substance in less than 30 seconds; it takes
>>another 5 or 6 to change the heading to say "Impotence
>>wrote" rather than "Zakhar wrote". Do you like that
>>touch, GregGeorge?

> I don't gve a shit

Not persuasive, GregGeorge; not persuasive in the least.

You're REALLY getting mad now, I see. Heh heh heh...

25 seconds, GregGeorge.

  #20 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

"Jonathan Ball" > wrote in message
> Impotence wrote:
> > "homophobic dwarf" > wrote in message
> >
> >
> >>Impotence wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>"*** basher" > wrote in message
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Impotence wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>"ipse dixit" > wrote in message
> ...
> >>>>>
> >>>>>**** off shit face.
> >>>>
> >>>>That's just doing it AGAIN, GregGeorge.
> >>>>
> >>>> The topic here is your refusal to properly engage
> >>>> your opponents with anything other than puerile quips
> >>>> followed by quick a dash for the door. As much as I
> >>>> hate to agree with "usual suspect" and Jon, they're
> >>>> both correct in saying you have nothing substantive
> >>>> to offer in support of your position (whatever that may
> >>>> be) at all.
> >>>>
> >>>>Saying "**** off shit face" and running for the door is
> >>>>just doing it again.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>LOL the more time I can waste of yours the better.
> >>
> >>You waste very little, GregGeorge. I mostly ignore
> >>you, and I can usually point out your ineloquence and
> >>lack of substance in less than 30 seconds; it takes
> >>another 5 or 6 to change the heading to say "Impotence
> >>wrote" rather than "Zakhar wrote". Do you like that
> >>touch, GregGeorge?

> >
> >
> > I don't gve a shit

> Not persuasive, GregGeorge; not persuasive in the least.
> You're REALLY getting mad now, I see. Heh heh heh...

That just proves that I KNOW when you're getting mad.

LOL, in fact a real LOL.

> 25 seconds, GregGeorge.

You ARE a small ****ing tosser.

Do you have to sit on books to drive a car? (Assuming you can drive).


  #21 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

"Zakhar" > wrote in message
> "ipse dixit" > wrote in message
> ...
> >

> **** off shit face.

Hell,I must have missed this one.

I thought Derek had come off the strong stuff and settled down a bit, but
no, he still posts the same worn out crap he has been coming out with for

Presently, I have this clapped out excuse for a poster engaged in another
thread, he's defending homosexual marriages. Even now he's still cheating
and snipping lines.

Well forget it Derek, I don't want a response, you are one ****ed up guy.
Read this instead I dont understand a ****ing word
of it, neither do you.

So go on make a pratt out of yourself once again and engage ~~jonnie~~ in
some meaningfull debate on the subject, he's only a little lad but he sure
as hell kicks the shit out of you anyday.

As an exponent of logical positivism, you make a ****ing good tyre fitter.

1. Homosexuality is debase
2. Derek Defends Homosexuality
3. Derek is a Homosexual.

I'm willing to bet that is a load of crap, but it's no worse than the shite
you post.

**** off you ignorant 'Anti' bore.

  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

Impotence wrote:

> "Jonathan Ball" > wrote in message
> news >
>>Impotence wrote:
>>>"homophobic dwarf" > wrote in message
>>>>Impotence wrote:
>>>>>"*** basher" > wrote in message
>>>>>>Impotence wrote:
>>>>>>>"ipse dixit" > wrote in message
.. .
>>>>>>>**** off shit face.
>>>>>>That's just doing it AGAIN, GregGeorge.
>>>>>> The topic here is your refusal to properly engage
>>>>>> your opponents with anything other than puerile quips
>>>>>> followed by quick a dash for the door. As much as I
>>>>>> hate to agree with "usual suspect" and Jon, they're
>>>>>> both correct in saying you have nothing substantive
>>>>>> to offer in support of your position (whatever that may
>>>>>> be) at all.
>>>>>>Saying "**** off shit face" and running for the door is
>>>>>>just doing it again.
>>>>>LOL the more time I can waste of yours the better.
>>>>You waste very little, GregGeorge. I mostly ignore
>>>>you, and I can usually point out your ineloquence and
>>>>lack of substance in less than 30 seconds; it takes
>>>>another 5 or 6 to change the heading to say "Impotence
>>>>wrote" rather than "Zakhar wrote". Do you like that
>>>>touch, GregGeorge?
>>>I don't gve a shit

>>Not persuasive, GregGeorge; not persuasive in the least.
>>You're REALLY getting mad now, I see. Heh heh heh...

> That just proves that I an impotent punk.

Yes, we already knew that, GregGeorge.

25 seconds, GG.

  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

You ARE a small ****ing tosser.

Do you have to sit on books to drive a car? (Assuming you can drive).

  #24 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

Impotence wrote:

> You ARE

You still are free of all intellectual substance,

15 seconds, GG.

  #25 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

You ARE a small ****ing tosser.

Do you have to sit on books to drive a car? (Assuming you can drive).

  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
ipse dixit
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

"Ray" > wrote in message ...
> "Zakhar" > wrote in message ...
> > "ipse dixit" > wrote in message ...
> > >

> > **** off shit face.

> Hell,I must have missed this one.
> 1. Homosexuality is debase
> 2. Derek Defends Homosexuality
> 3. Derek is a Homosexual.
> I'm willing to bet that is a load of crap,

Yes, it is. Let me help you.
1) All debased people are homosexuals
2) Derek is debased (ponens)
3) Derek is a homosexual

>but it's no worse than the shite you post.

If you are going to accuse me of being a homosexual
you should at least have the decencey to do it using
the correct argument, that's all.

> **** off you ignorant 'Anti' bore.

Are you going to make me, Ray?

  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

Impotence wrote:

> You ARE

You still are free of all intellectual substance,

15 seconds, GG.

  #28 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dirk McDougal
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

ipse dixit wrote:

> "Ray" > wrote in message ...
>>"Zakhar" > wrote in message ...
>>>"ipse dixit" > wrote in message ...
>>>**** off shit face.

>>Hell,I must have missed this one.
>>1. Homosexuality is debase
>>2. Derek Defends Homosexuality
>>3. Derek is a Homosexual.
>>I'm willing to bet that is a load of crap,

> Yes, it is. Let me help you.
> 1) All debased people are homosexuals
> 2) Derek is debased (ponens)
> therefore
> 3) Derek is a homosexual

That is a valid argument; Affirming the Antecedent. It
also is sound, as all three propositions are true.

>>but it's no worse than the shite you post.

> If you are going to accuse me of being a homosexual
> you should at least have the decencey to do it using
> the correct argument, that's all.

He did.

  #29 (permalink)   Report Post  
Dirk McDougal
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

Dirk McDougal wrote:

> ipse dixit wrote:
>> "Ray" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Zakhar" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> "ipse dixit" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>> **** off shit face.
>>> Hell,I must have missed this one.
>>> 1. Homosexuality is debase
>>> 2. Derek Defends Homosexuality
>>> 3. Derek is a Homosexual.
>>> I'm willing to bet that is a load of crap,

>> Yes, it is. Let me help you.
>> 1) All debased people are homosexuals
>> 2) Derek is debased (ponens)
>> therefore
>> 3) Derek is a homosexual

> That is a valid argument; Affirming the Antecedent. It also is sound,
> as all three propositions are true.

Affirming the Antecedent and Denying the Consequent are
valid forms; Denying the Antecedent and Affirming the
Consequent are invalid forms. Try to understand this.

>>> but it's no worse than the shite you post.

>> If you are going to accuse me of being a homosexual
>> you should at least have the decencey to do it using
>> the correct argument, that's all.

> He did.

  #30 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

You ARE a small ****ing tosser.

Do you have to sit on books to drive a car? (Assuming you can drive).

  #31 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

Impotence wrote:

> You ARE

You still are free of all intellectual substance,

15 seconds, GG.

  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

You ARE a small ****ing tosser.

Do you have to sit on books to drive a car? (Assuming you can drive).

  #33 (permalink)   Report Post  
ipse dixit
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

"Dirk McDougal" > wrote in message
> ipse dixit wrote:
> > "Ray" > wrote in message ...
> >>"Zakhar" > wrote in message ...
> >>>"ipse dixit" > wrote in message ...
> >>>
> >>>**** off shit face.
> >>
> >>Hell,I must have missed this one.
> >>
> >>1. Homosexuality is debase
> >>2. Derek Defends Homosexuality
> >>3. Derek is a Homosexual.
> >>
> >>I'm willing to bet that is a load of crap,

> >
> > Yes, it is. Let me help you.
> > 1) All debased people are homosexuals
> > 2) Derek is debased (ponens)
> > therefore
> > 3) Derek is a homosexual

> That is a valid argument; Affirming the Antecedent.

True, (ponens).

> It also is sound, as all three propositions are true.

The argument is unsound based on the fact
that the first premise is false.

The first premise is a conditional statement
that requires a proper relationship between
the antecedent and the consequent in
order for it to be a true premise.

This relationship which is so important
requires that the antecedent need only be
a sufficient condition for the consequent
to exist, but that the consequent must be a
necessary condition for the antecedent to

Though being debased is a sufficient condition
to be homosexual, it's logically certain that being
homosexual isn't a necessary condition for being
debased, so the argument falls to the ground on
that basis alone.

> > If you are going to accuse me of being a homosexual
> > you should at least have the decencey to do it using
> > the correct argument, that's all.

> He did.

His effort didn't make a proper go of it, so
I gave him some help by offering a valid
argument to work from.

  #34 (permalink)   Report Post  
ipse dixit
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

"Dirk McDougal" > wrote in message
> Dirk McDougal wrote:
> > ipse dixit wrote:
> >> "Ray" > wrote in message ...
> >>> "Zakhar" > wrote in message ...
> >>>> "ipse dixit" > wrote in message ...
> >>>>
> >>>> **** off shit face.
> >>>
> >>> Hell,I must have missed this one.
> >>>
> >>> 1. Homosexuality is debase
> >>> 2. Derek Defends Homosexuality
> >>> 3. Derek is a Homosexual.
> >>>
> >>> I'm willing to bet that is a load of crap,
> >>
> >> Yes, it is. Let me help you.
> >> 1) All debased people are homosexuals
> >> 2) Derek is debased (ponens)
> >> therefore
> >> 3) Derek is a homosexual

> >
> > That is a valid argument; Affirming the Antecedent.

True, (ponens).

> It also is sound, as all three propositions are true.

The argument is unsound based on the fact
that the first premise is false.

The first premise is a conditional statement
that requires a proper relationship between
the antecedent and the consequent in
order for it to be a true premise.

This relationship which is so important
requires that the antecedent need only be
a sufficient condition for the consequent
to exist, but that the consequent must be a
necessary condition for the antecedent to

Though being debased is a sufficient condition
to be homosexual, it's logically certain that being
homosexual isn't a necessary condition for being
debased, so the argument falls to the ground on
that basis alone.

> Affirming the Antecedent and Denying the Consequent are
> valid forms; Denying the Antecedent and Affirming the
> Consequent are invalid forms. Try to understand this.

What made you believe I don't already understand
ponens and tollens?

  #35 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

Impotence wrote:

> You ARE

You still are free of all intellectual substance,

15 seconds, GG.

  #36 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

You ARE a small ****ing tosser.

Do you have to sit on books to drive a car? (Assuming you can drive).

  #37 (permalink)   Report Post  
Jonathan Ball
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feedinggrain to livestock

Impotence wrote:

> You ARE

You still are free of all intellectual substance,

15 seconds, GG.

  #38 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Further reflections on the bogus "efficiency" critique of feeding grain to livestock

"ipse dixit" > wrote in message
> "Ray" > wrote in message

> > "Zakhar" > wrote in message

> > > "ipse dixit" > wrote in message

> > > >
> > > **** off shit face.

> >
> > Hell,I must have missed this one.

Snippage noted again
> >
> > 1. Homosexuality is debase
> > 2. Derek Defends Homosexuality
> > 3. Derek is a Homosexual.
> >
> > I'm willing to bet that is a load of crap,

> Yes, it is. Let me help you.
> 1) All debased people are homosexuals
> 2) Derek is debased (ponens)
> therefore
> 3) Derek is a homosexual

Thanks for the correction and admission:-)
> >but it's no worse than the shite you post.

> If you are going to accuse me of being a homosexual
> you should at least have the decencey to do it using
> the correct argument, that's all.
> > **** off you ignorant 'Anti' bore.

> Are you going to make me, Ray?

I'll come and let your tyres down.

  #39 (permalink)   Report Post  
usual suspect
Posts: n/a
Default ray is feeling randy, wants password

Randy Old Ray wrote:
>>>1. Homosexuality is debase
>>>2. Derek Defends Homosexuality
>>>3. Derek is a Homosexual.
>>>I'm willing to bet that is a load of crap,

>>Yes, it is. Let me help you.
>>1) All debased people are homosexuals
>>2) Derek is debased (ponens)
>>3) Derek is a homosexual

> Thanks for the correction and admission:-)

Speaking of admissions, when are you going to admit the reason you want
a password to see camping pics? Maybe these will suffice until you
explain yourself, you old perv:


  #40 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default ray is feeling randy, wants password

"usual suspect" > wrote in message
> Randy Old Ray wrote:
> <...>
> >>>1. Homosexuality is debase
> >>>2. Derek Defends Homosexuality
> >>>3. Derek is a Homosexual.
> >>>
> >>>I'm willing to bet that is a load of crap,
> >>
> >>Yes, it is. Let me help you.
> >>1) All debased people are homosexuals
> >>2) Derek is debased (ponens)
> >>therefore
> >>3) Derek is a homosexual

> >
> > Thanks for the correction and admission:-)

> Speaking of admissions, when are you going to admit the reason you want
> a password to see camping pics? Maybe these will suffice until you
> explain yourself, you old perv:
> <...>

No, not that type of camping. I used to be in the scouts, but I got kicked
out for jumping too low during the leapfrog workout.

The 'camping' I had in mind was ~~jonnie's~~annual 'Crescenta High' reuinion
pictures, you can see them on www.le-- no perhaps not. For some reason last
years trip to Lake Garnett is not on the site.

I think they are now on another site and password protected. This is due to
some 'rogue' posters on this group making a habit of posting some of the
pictures with a view to ridicule.

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