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  #41 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

You are comments are right on the money!

  #42 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

You are comments are right on the money!

  #43 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

cm1 wrote:
> Most Bums are there of their own free will.

oh of course they are. :/

> If they are half starved
> that's their own fualt.

:/ again

> I don't open spam so I don't care!

why not? those are the hard-working people you think so highly of. Why
aren't you helping them with their economy?

> Nor do I
> answer phone sales people.

Them too.

> Most of them spend any money they get on
> booze or drugs.

I know a few marketing people; few of them are booze and drug oriented.

> They are not out their looking for food.

Of course, how rarely do you hear one of them asking if you have a spare
ham sandwich.

> Also a temp
> don't care as long as you have a pulse they will hire you!

  #44 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

In this country if you have use of your arms and legs you can get a job
and help yourself.The bums are the lazy ones not getting a damn job!

  #45 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

In this country if you have use of your arms and legs you can get a job
and help yourself.The bums are the lazy ones not getting a damn job!

  #46 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

I respect them for being employed but unless it interests me I don't
bother with it.

  #47 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

I respect them for being employed but unless it interests me I don't
bother with it.

  #48 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 04 Apr 2005 22:42:54 -0400, rpl
> wrote:

>cm1 wrote:
>> Most Bums are there of their own free will.

>oh of course they are. :/

Well, then how did they get there? Yes, some are mentally ill, but
we have to lay that on those "Well-meaning" lawyers who thought (Like
the PETA Nuts) "Those mentally ill are being mis-treated being locked
up in a nice warm mental hospital"

Truly, many don't WANT to work at a job where you have to follow
rules and such. I recall a "Beggar" who was approached by a lady whose
husband moved furniture (Reported in the Oregonian) and declined the
job off at $7.25 an hour. Why? "I make $10.50 and hour doing this and
it's TAX FREE!" he replied.
>> If they are half starved
>> that's their own fualt.

>:/ again

You have $10 you can either 1. Buy food 2. Buy booze. So why is it,
they choose No. 2 more often?
>> I don't open spam so I don't care!

>why not? those are the hard-working people you think so highly of. Why
>aren't you helping them with their economy?
>> Nor do I
>> answer phone sales people.

>Them too.

You have a choice. Just like many who beg. I also have a choice. To
care or not. I reserve my concern for those who are at least willing
to try and improve, not slide on through life without paying the dues.
>> Most of them spend any money they get on
>> booze or drugs.

>I know a few marketing people; few of them are booze and drug oriented.

But many bums are. Which is the focus of this group.
>> They are not out their looking for food.

>Of course, how rarely do you hear one of them asking if you have a spare
>ham sandwich.

Reminds me of a man who was asked for $1 from a bum. The guy said
"Why do you want it?" The bum replied "To buy a sandwich" So, this
good man took the bum into a local shop, had him select a sandwich,
paid for it and then left the bum. The bum then went back into the
shop and tried to get a REFUND on the sandwich.

Which shows that they lie and quite often.
>> Also a temp
>> don't care as long as you have a pulse they will hire you!

That's true, but hell, you should see some of the temps we have.
Sure, some are only there for the 8 hours and "That's it, I'm outta
here!" and then there's those who say "What it takes, I', willing to

The later get hired, the former get to play temp (With no benefits
and little in the way of wage increases) until they retire and then
this is where they reap what they have sown.
  #49 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 04 Apr 2005 22:42:54 -0400, rpl
> wrote:

>cm1 wrote:
>> Most Bums are there of their own free will.

>oh of course they are. :/

Well, then how did they get there? Yes, some are mentally ill, but
we have to lay that on those "Well-meaning" lawyers who thought (Like
the PETA Nuts) "Those mentally ill are being mis-treated being locked
up in a nice warm mental hospital"

Truly, many don't WANT to work at a job where you have to follow
rules and such. I recall a "Beggar" who was approached by a lady whose
husband moved furniture (Reported in the Oregonian) and declined the
job off at $7.25 an hour. Why? "I make $10.50 and hour doing this and
it's TAX FREE!" he replied.
>> If they are half starved
>> that's their own fualt.

>:/ again

You have $10 you can either 1. Buy food 2. Buy booze. So why is it,
they choose No. 2 more often?
>> I don't open spam so I don't care!

>why not? those are the hard-working people you think so highly of. Why
>aren't you helping them with their economy?
>> Nor do I
>> answer phone sales people.

>Them too.

You have a choice. Just like many who beg. I also have a choice. To
care or not. I reserve my concern for those who are at least willing
to try and improve, not slide on through life without paying the dues.
>> Most of them spend any money they get on
>> booze or drugs.

>I know a few marketing people; few of them are booze and drug oriented.

But many bums are. Which is the focus of this group.
>> They are not out their looking for food.

>Of course, how rarely do you hear one of them asking if you have a spare
>ham sandwich.

Reminds me of a man who was asked for $1 from a bum. The guy said
"Why do you want it?" The bum replied "To buy a sandwich" So, this
good man took the bum into a local shop, had him select a sandwich,
paid for it and then left the bum. The bum then went back into the
shop and tried to get a REFUND on the sandwich.

Which shows that they lie and quite often.
>> Also a temp
>> don't care as long as you have a pulse they will hire you!

That's true, but hell, you should see some of the temps we have.
Sure, some are only there for the 8 hours and "That's it, I'm outta
here!" and then there's those who say "What it takes, I', willing to

The later get hired, the former get to play temp (With no benefits
and little in the way of wage increases) until they retire and then
this is where they reap what they have sown.
  #50 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"cm1" > wrote in message
> In this country if you have use of your arms and legs you can get a job
> and help yourself.The bums are the lazy ones not getting a damn job!

cm: I have to agree with you . . .you may be in the US, I am unsure, I am in
Canada, it makes no difference. I used to give money to people who asked
for "bus fare" "enough for a cup of coffee" "enough for a sandwich" when
they reeked of alcohol (call me a fool), until I wised up and began to offer
to take them to the nearest restaurant for a meal, or to purchase an actual
bus pass for them (good for 10 2-way trips).......................guess how
many times I was taken up on my offer?

ZERO. One guy actually told me to f*** off. Well, I guess he was more
interested in taking what he could get from us suckers on the street, and
parlaying it into whatever booze he smelled like, not to mention the lack of
restroom facilities.I no longer work in the downtown area so I haven't had
to deal with these issues for some years.

We don't seem to have a lot of problems with 'bums' panhandling here
anymore - - - there is a Salvation Army right downtown, and people are
encouraged to give to the area "soup kitchens" and "homes" that assist
people so they are not sleeping on the street or going hungry. There is a
van that drives around at night and hands out free coffee and food to those
who are just 'hanging out' . . . usually street kids.

Just because you are homeless does not mean that you cannot find a facility
where you can bathe and clean up. There are places that will feed and
clothe you for free. You do not need to walk around in an alcoholic or
drugged stupor, smelling like your clothes have been steeped in liquor and
urine, and you've worn them for 6 months straight.

I met a girl who had lived in her ramshackle van for some time - - and she
used public facilities for cleaning, etc. She both sought and found a job,
then saved a little money before she looked for a place to rent. I found
her perseverence admirable. She did not spend what little money she had
(welfare) on alcohol or drugs. She was clean, and spent her days looking
for work, not slumped up against a wall, asking people for money. HUGE

One good pea in the entire pod.

Some of our Canadian provinces have "work for welfare". When Saskatchewan's
government began to discuss this idea, you should have heard the uproar!
WOW! The same issue had come up in the last province that had this
undertaking! Many of the people on welfare were throwing fits at the idea
that they were going to have to do some work in order to get their social
assistance payments. And people are posting to this thread saying the
homeless really would like to be working? Sure, sure, and no-one on welfare
wants to be there. All you have to do is bring up the 'work for welfare'
issue and you find out the truth. We are not talking about making mothers
with young children work. That would be foolish. Able-bodied: men, anyone
without children, children who were in their teens if there was a single
parent involved. They weren't even talking 40 hour work weeks here, just
part time work!

I'd hate to be homeless, and I'd certainly hate to be on welfare. But I
would think it would say volumes about how badly I wanted to work if I
refused to work 20 hours a week just to keep a roof over my head.


  #51 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"cm1" > wrote in message
> In this country if you have use of your arms and legs you can get a job
> and help yourself.The bums are the lazy ones not getting a damn job!

cm: I have to agree with you . . .you may be in the US, I am unsure, I am in
Canada, it makes no difference. I used to give money to people who asked
for "bus fare" "enough for a cup of coffee" "enough for a sandwich" when
they reeked of alcohol (call me a fool), until I wised up and began to offer
to take them to the nearest restaurant for a meal, or to purchase an actual
bus pass for them (good for 10 2-way trips).......................guess how
many times I was taken up on my offer?

ZERO. One guy actually told me to f*** off. Well, I guess he was more
interested in taking what he could get from us suckers on the street, and
parlaying it into whatever booze he smelled like, not to mention the lack of
restroom facilities.I no longer work in the downtown area so I haven't had
to deal with these issues for some years.

We don't seem to have a lot of problems with 'bums' panhandling here
anymore - - - there is a Salvation Army right downtown, and people are
encouraged to give to the area "soup kitchens" and "homes" that assist
people so they are not sleeping on the street or going hungry. There is a
van that drives around at night and hands out free coffee and food to those
who are just 'hanging out' . . . usually street kids.

Just because you are homeless does not mean that you cannot find a facility
where you can bathe and clean up. There are places that will feed and
clothe you for free. You do not need to walk around in an alcoholic or
drugged stupor, smelling like your clothes have been steeped in liquor and
urine, and you've worn them for 6 months straight.

I met a girl who had lived in her ramshackle van for some time - - and she
used public facilities for cleaning, etc. She both sought and found a job,
then saved a little money before she looked for a place to rent. I found
her perseverence admirable. She did not spend what little money she had
(welfare) on alcohol or drugs. She was clean, and spent her days looking
for work, not slumped up against a wall, asking people for money. HUGE

One good pea in the entire pod.

Some of our Canadian provinces have "work for welfare". When Saskatchewan's
government began to discuss this idea, you should have heard the uproar!
WOW! The same issue had come up in the last province that had this
undertaking! Many of the people on welfare were throwing fits at the idea
that they were going to have to do some work in order to get their social
assistance payments. And people are posting to this thread saying the
homeless really would like to be working? Sure, sure, and no-one on welfare
wants to be there. All you have to do is bring up the 'work for welfare'
issue and you find out the truth. We are not talking about making mothers
with young children work. That would be foolish. Able-bodied: men, anyone
without children, children who were in their teens if there was a single
parent involved. They weren't even talking 40 hour work weeks here, just
part time work!

I'd hate to be homeless, and I'd certainly hate to be on welfare. But I
would think it would say volumes about how badly I wanted to work if I
refused to work 20 hours a week just to keep a roof over my head.


  #52 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

and, most spam is not respondable to. If you reply, it just gets kicked
back because it is garbage.
completely different.

I guess we should feel soooo bad that they can't go to a job interview
because they haven't had decent food in some time. Must be our fault they
decided that anything that didn't come out of a liquor store wasn't part of
the 4 basic food groups.

Pfffft. Waste of time to try to argue with someone who's burned one big rut
in their thinking.


"cm1" > wrote in message
> Most Bums are there of their own free will.If they are half starved
> that's their own fualt.I don't open spam so I don't care!Nor do I
> answer phone sales people.Most of them spend any money they get on
> booze or drugs.They are not out their looking for food.Also a temp
> don't care as long as you have a pulse they will hire you!

  #53 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

and, most spam is not respondable to. If you reply, it just gets kicked
back because it is garbage.
completely different.

I guess we should feel soooo bad that they can't go to a job interview
because they haven't had decent food in some time. Must be our fault they
decided that anything that didn't come out of a liquor store wasn't part of
the 4 basic food groups.

Pfffft. Waste of time to try to argue with someone who's burned one big rut
in their thinking.


"cm1" > wrote in message
> Most Bums are there of their own free will.If they are half starved
> that's their own fualt.I don't open spam so I don't care!Nor do I
> answer phone sales people.Most of them spend any money they get on
> booze or drugs.They are not out their looking for food.Also a temp
> don't care as long as you have a pulse they will hire you!

  #54 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

>> Also a temp
>> don't care as long as you have a pulse they will hire you!

That's true, but hell, you should see some of the temps we have.
Sure, some are only there for the 8 hours and "That's it, I'm outta
here!" and then there's those who say "What it takes, I', willing to

The later get hired, the former get to play temp (With no benefits
and little in the way of wage increases) until they retire and then
this is where they reap what they have sown

>Very well said Gene,they can work hard and >get somewhere or they can

be lazy and get >nowhere,it's their choice.

  #55 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

>> Also a temp
>> don't care as long as you have a pulse they will hire you!

That's true, but hell, you should see some of the temps we have.
Sure, some are only there for the 8 hours and "That's it, I'm outta
here!" and then there's those who say "What it takes, I', willing to

The later get hired, the former get to play temp (With no benefits
and little in the way of wage increases) until they retire and then
this is where they reap what they have sown

>Very well said Gene,they can work hard and >get somewhere or they can

be lazy and get >nowhere,it's their choice.

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