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  #1 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a
Default Consequences of Non Vegan Food Eating

To Whom It May Concern:

I may be a newbie to this group but CERTAINLY not to Vegetarianism and being

What do I notice the most ESPECIALLY about MEN who eat meat and dairy
products and then sweat before bathing?

1. Their feet usually bear an abnormally horrid odor that is NEVER present
in the athletic feet of my Vegan friends.

2. Whenever a meat eater or dairy product consumer uses my bathroom,
although the odor left behind is usually acceptable to them, it is generally
not an OK smell, resembling dead decomposing rotting tissue and animal
matter. I refuse to use an air freshener after one of them finishes in the
john because then my house begins to smell like a sewage processing plant
which is even worse then the odors they left behind in the first place.

3. General body odors, (digestive gas [i.e. burps, farts], perspiration,
secretions) generally all smell worse from meat eaters then Vegans.

That is just PART of the reason why being Vegan is OK for me and OK with me
and has been for a long time.

There are ethical reasons of course for being a Vegan and nutritional ones,
however the above is from a casual social viewpoint and that is my own.


  #2 (permalink)   Report Post  
usual suspect
Posts: n/a

Stress wrote:
> To Whom It May Concern:
> I may be a newbie to this group but CERTAINLY not to Vegetarianism and being
> Vegan.
> What do I notice the most ESPECIALLY about MEN who eat meat and dairy
> products and then sweat before bathing?
> 1. Their feet usually bear an abnormally horrid odor that is NEVER present
> in the athletic feet of my Vegan friends.

Do you go around smelling men's feet?

> 2. Whenever a meat eater or dairy product consumer uses my bathroom,
> although the odor left behind is usually acceptable to them,

Your shit stinks, too. Get over it.

> it is generally not an OK smell,

Compared to...?

> resembling dead decomposing rotting tissue and animal
> matter.

How the hell would you know what "decomposing animal matter" smells like?

> I refuse to use an air freshener after one of them finishes in the
> john because then my house begins to smell like a sewage processing plant
> which is even worse then the odors they left behind in the first place.

Drama queen.

> 3. General body odors, (digestive gas [i.e. burps, farts], perspiration,
> secretions) generally all smell worse from meat eaters then Vegans.

Stop sniffing everyone else's farts if they bother you so much, weirdo.

> That is just PART of the reason why being Vegan is OK for me and OK with me
> and has been for a long time.

Very irrational reasons.

> There are ethical reasons of course for being a Vegan


> and nutritional ones,

Greatly exaggerated.

> however the above is from a casual social viewpoint and that is my own.

*Casual* *my* *ass*, not to mention anti-social, you anal retentive clown.
  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Stress" wro
> What do I notice the most ESPECIALLY about MEN who eat meat and dairy
> products and then sweat before bathing? [...]
> 3. General body odors, (digestive gas [i.e. burps, farts], perspiration,
> secretions) generally all smell worse from meat eaters then Vegans.

I have been vegan for many years. Lut last week I thought about moving
towards organic vegetarianism, so I bought some muesly and a liter of
organic milk.
For a few days I had a glass of milk per day. Since yesterday my skin is
quite slippery to the touch, and has a very disturbing odour, like the one
of fat and ill people. My breath has is nicer tho.

Maybe this happens because my digestive system is not used to milk, but it
is quite disturbing so I think I will go back to veganism :-/


  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
usual suspect
Posts: n/a

enos1976 wrote:
> "Stress" wro
>>What do I notice the most ESPECIALLY about MEN who eat meat and dairy
>>products and then sweat before bathing? [...]
>>3. General body odors, (digestive gas [i.e. burps, farts], perspiration,
>>secretions) generally all smell worse from meat eaters then Vegans.

> I have been vegan for many years. Lut last week I thought about moving
> towards organic vegetarianism, so I bought some muesly and a liter of
> organic milk.
> For a few days I had a glass of milk per day. Since yesterday my skin is
> quite slippery to the touch,

It's summer, after all.

> and has a very disturbing odour,

Perhaps you can take a bath. People do tend to smell more during the
summer months.

> like the one
> of fat and ill people.

Do you go around sniffing fat and ill people for a frame of reference?

> My breath has is nicer tho.
> Maybe this happens because my digestive system is not used to milk, but it
> is quite disturbing so I think I will go back to veganism :-/

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.
  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Stress" > wrote in message

> 1. Their feet usually bear an abnormally horrid odor that is NEVER present
> in the athletic feet of my Vegan friends.
> 2. Whenever a meat eater or dairy product consumer uses my bathroom,
>... the odor left behind ... resembling dead decomposing rotting tissue and
>animal matter. 3. General body odors, (digestive gas [i.e. burps, farts],
>perspiration, secretions) generally all smell worse from meat eaters then

Those offensive odors are offensive as a genetically-programmed defense
against our consuming rotting proteins, which are highly toxic. So much for
the "human-scavenger" hypothesis.
Since animal proteins are not properly digested into their component
amino acids and assimilated, the undigested proteins in the human
necrophages' colons are eaten by putrefactive bacteria which produce waste
products that produce those odors, including indole, skatole, cadaverine,
putrescine, and H2S.
Since our species is a plant-eater by design, plant proteins are
properly digested and no such fecal odors are produced, except by those who
mistakenly eat industrial quantities of nuts/seeds that overwhelm our
limited protein-digestive capabilities.


  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"usual suspect" > wrote in message
> Your shit stinks, too. Get over it.

Testimony to your complete lack of personal experience with different

>> resembling dead decomposing rotting tissue and animal matter.

> How the hell would you know what "decomposing animal matter" smells like?

Road kill?

> Drama queen.

If you can't refute -- insults always destroy your own credibility.

>> There are ethical reasons of course for being a Vegan

> None.

Finally got somethig right.

>> and nutritional ones,

> Greatly exaggerated.

Read the scientific literature.

> *Casual* *my* *ass*, not to mention anti-social, you anal retentive clown.

Still committed to embarrassing yourself in public? Well done!


  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
usual suspect
Posts: n/a

Larry Fruity wrote:
>>Your shit stinks, too. Get over it.

> Testimony

Your shit stinks, Larry. You may think it smells like roses but nobody
else does.
  #8 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"usual suspect" > wrote in message
> Larry Fruity wrote:
>>>Your shit stinks, too. Get over it.

>> Testimony

> Your shit stinks, Larry. You may think it smells like roses but nobody
> else does.

You seem to have your quotes in error; a good indication of the lack of
logical structure in your mental processes in general; however, it is common
*experience* with vegetarians that their body, breath, fecal, menstrual, and
urine odors decrease markedly with time after eliminating most animal
YOU have NO dietary EXPERIENCE beyond your childhood cultural
programming by ignorant parents who had no interest in their health at all,
so you babble like an idiot and continue to embarrass yourself with the
profundity of your ignorance.
Why don't you ever get tired of making a fool out of yourself in public?
What do you have to gain by acting like a psychopath? I am sure we all
would like to know.
Vegans, eating NO animal protein, have NO inherent odors, especially raw
vegans, except if they are eating too much nuts/seeds.
Excess nuts/seeds contain too much protein and fats to be digested
properly, since our true protein needs are ~1/3% of the entire diet.
Excess nuts/seeds, indeed excess protein from ANY source, will result in
undigested proteins putrefying in the colon due to bacterial action to
produce those characteristic amine odors: indole, skatole, cadaverine,
putrescine, in addition to H2S, that famous "rotten egg" odor. This is
simple biochemistry, and you can not negate it! You will ignore it to your
on determent, but you can not negate it with current scientific
You will, no doubt, continue to ignore real science in the service of
your Neanderthal lifestyle, diet, and intellect.


  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
Beach Runner
Posts: n/a

Laurie was a research scientist from Monsanto.
She, like me is attempting to use he group for what is is listed as.
Laurie wrote:

> "usual suspect" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Larry Fruity wrote:
>>>>Your shit stinks, too. Get over it.
>>> Testimony

>>Your shit stinks, Larry. You may think it smells like roses but nobody
>>else does.

> You seem to have your quotes in error; a good indication of the lack of
> logical structure in your mental processes in general; however, it is common
> *experience* with vegetarians that their body, breath, fecal, menstrual, and
> urine odors decrease markedly with time after eliminating most animal
> protein.
> YOU have NO dietary EXPERIENCE beyond your childhood cultural
> programming by ignorant parents who had no interest in their health at all,
> so you babble like an idiot and continue to embarrass yourself with the
> profundity of your ignorance.
> Why don't you ever get tired of making a fool out of yourself in public?
> What do you have to gain by acting like a psychopath? I am sure we all
> would like to know.
> Vegans, eating NO animal protein, have NO inherent odors, especially raw
> vegans, except if they are eating too much nuts/seeds.
> Excess nuts/seeds contain too much protein and fats to be digested
> properly, since our true protein needs are ~1/3% of the entire diet.
> Excess nuts/seeds, indeed excess protein from ANY source, will result in
> undigested proteins putrefying in the colon due to bacterial action to
> produce those characteristic amine odors: indole, skatole, cadaverine,
> putrescine, in addition to H2S, that famous "rotten egg" odor. This is
> simple biochemistry, and you can not negate it! You will ignore it to your
> on determent, but you can not negate it with current scientific
> understanding.
> You will, no doubt, continue to ignore real science in the service of
> your Neanderthal lifestyle, diet, and intellect.
> Laurie

  #10 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Beach Runner" > wrote in message
. ..
> Laurie was a research scientist from Monsanto.
> She, like me is attempting to use he group for what is is
> listed as.
> Laurie wrote:

ROTLMAO What a hoot!!! Laurie is a HE, fool. Just another
girlie wannabe.

>> "usual suspect" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>>Larry Fruity wrote:
>>>>>Your shit stinks, too. Get over it.
>>>> Testimony
>>>Your shit stinks, Larry. You may think it smells like roses
>>>but nobody else does.

>> You seem to have your quotes in error; a good indication
>> of the lack of logical structure in your mental processes in
>> general; however, it is common *experience* with vegetarians
>> that their body, breath, fecal, menstrual, and urine odors
>> decrease markedly with time after eliminating most animal
>> protein.
>> YOU have NO dietary EXPERIENCE beyond your childhood
>> cultural programming by ignorant parents who had no interest
>> in their health at all, so you babble like an idiot and
>> continue to embarrass yourself with the profundity of your
>> ignorance.
>> Why don't you ever get tired of making a fool out of
>> yourself in public? What do you have to gain by acting like a
>> psychopath? I am sure we all would like to know.
>> Vegans, eating NO animal protein, have NO inherent odors,
>> especially raw vegans, except if they are eating too much
>> nuts/seeds.
>> Excess nuts/seeds contain too much protein and fats to be
>> digested properly, since our true protein needs are ~1/3% of
>> the entire diet.
>> Excess nuts/seeds, indeed excess protein from ANY source,
>> will result in undigested proteins putrefying in the colon due
>> to bacterial action to produce those characteristic amine
>> odors: indole, skatole, cadaverine, putrescine, in addition to
>> H2S, that famous "rotten egg" odor. This is simple
>> biochemistry, and you can not negate it! You will ignore it
>> to your on determent, but you can not negate it with current
>> scientific understanding.
>> You will, no doubt, continue to ignore real science in the
>> service of your Neanderthal lifestyle, diet, and intellect.
>> Laurie

  #11 (permalink)   Report Post  
usual suspect
Posts: n/a

Larry Fruity wrote:
>>>>Your shit stinks, too. Get over it.
>>> Testimony

>>Your shit stinks, Larry. You may think it smells like roses but nobody
>>else does.

> You seem to have

No, Larry, I'm correct. Your shit DOES stink.
  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
usual suspect
Posts: n/a

Beach Runner wrote:
> Laurie

His name is LARRY. Like the one between Moe and Curly, a complete stooge.

> was a research scientist from Monsanto.

He lost his way and made the reverse-evolutionary transition from
scientist to pseudoscientist.

> She,

HE. That fruitcake is male.

> like me

No, "like I". Do try to learn our language, Boob.

> is attempting to use he group for what is is listed as.

No, he is not. He's only peddling his stupid website which he uses to
panhandle on the information superhighway.


And stop top-posting, Boob.
  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
Posts: n/a

"Beach Runner" > wrote in message
. ..
> Laurie was a research scientist from Monsanto.

Actually, a Chemical Engineer.


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