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imagebyrotem 28-04-2009 09:46 PM

Wine from Israel
Hi All,

I am starting a new blog on Wine and Restaurants in Israel.
so if you ever visit Israel you can find some information on my blog.

If you have requests for posts on specific wines feel free to contact


Patok[_3_] 04-05-2009 10:38 PM

Wine from Israel
Giganews wrote:
> Dear all,
> Just wondering: Is the dark red color in the israelian wine the result
> of blending grapes with the blood of innocent palestinian childeren and
> women?

No, because there's no such thing as "innocent palestinian".
Now, OTOH, if you were asking is there any Arab blood in it, I wouldn't
know. But I highly doubt it, as it wouldn't be kosher.

Giganews 06-05-2009 10:59 PM

Wine from Israel

"Mike Tommasi" > wrote in message
> Patok wrote:
>> But I highly doubt it, as it wouldn't be kosher.

> Best not to reply...
> --
> Mike Tommasi - Six Fours, France
> email link

Oh well, the VN report last daywas crystal clear on the bad practices with
white phospor from the Jewesh army, no denying posible here.

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