Congrats on the trip. Hope to make it down there one day but the no gun thing makes me real nervous. I have an old retired college prof Cuz who is trying to spread communism around Queensland seems like is the name of the place. He hosted the Uganda track team one year for the Olympics. Never messed with the wine any but they have real good beer. I still cant see how they manage to eat the stinky sheep. Whew..them things smell like musky Javelino Hawgs.
Originally Posted by lleichtman
Just returned from our trip to Australia (mostly Sydney with a trip to Hunter Valley) and New Zealand cruise that included wine tasting in Hawkes Bay and Bay of Islands area.
First Hunter Valley, so so. Many wines tasted we did not like. Enjoyed wines from a new producer not available in the US called Wynwood estates. Also enjoyed some from Brokenwood, had a wide range of good Shiraz and De Bartoli botrytis affected Semillon.
Hawkes Bay had more interesting wines. Church Road had good Chardonnay and a wine made from Mazemino never had Mazemino Stonecroft a small winery had of all things a good Zindfandel though not US style. Ngatarawa was good across their range including a good Syrah, Merlot and late harvest Viogner. We went to 3 more but not as good though CJ Pask was OK.
Sydney is one of the most expensive places I have ever been. Pretty close to prices in Tokyo.