TN: Loire, Saar, and Provence
Monday I was in charge of meatless dinner, made toor dal, coconut rice, & Bihari green beans masala, served with naan and the 2008 von Hovel Scharzhofberger Kabinett. Zippy limeade treat, great acids, full flavors but on a light chassis, the kind of classic Saar Kab thats hard to find these days. Revisited on day 4 the acids have kept it alive, though flavors are more grapefruity/Frescaesque. B+/A-
Tuesday was teriyaki salmon, grilled corn (from Florida, but good!), herb and sprout salad, and grilled squash. Wine was the 2012 Riotor rose (Cotes de Provence). Lighter styled Provencal pink, with strawberry and cherry fruit spiked with a note of lime. Nice if not complex. B
Thursday was grilled Cornish hens (lime/mint/soy marinade), grilled eggplant and zucchini, brown rice, and watercress salad. Wine was the 2011 Clos Roche Blanche #5 Touraine Sauvignon Blanc. Grapefruit, a bit of grass, moderate acids, very nice SB. But I confess to being a bit surprised, my memories of previous vintages of the #5 were of a more exotic, fuller wine (always thought of it as a little Cotat-ish) - I doublechecked to make sure I hadnt opened the #2 by mistake. Good wine, but lighter than I wanted as a food match. B/B+
Grade disclaimer: I'm a very easy grader, basically A is an excellent wine, B a good wine, C mediocre. Anything below C means I wouldn't drink at a party where it was only choice. Furthermore, I offer no promises of objectivity, accuracy, and certainly not of consistency.