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Posted to rec.crafts.textiles.yarn,rec.crafts.winemaking,rec.equestrian,rec.folk-dancing
$50,000 for KILLING AMERICAN TERRORISTS George Bush Jr and Dick Cheney like
pigs I will pay $50,000 for killing George Bush Jr, Dick Cheney and FBI director Robert Mueller III, NSA director Keith Alexander, CIA director David Patraeus, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and National Intelligence director Dennis Blair and their family members regardless of their age. I am looking for a "FEW REAL WORLD HEROES" like myself (not the FICTITIOUS heroes in NBC Series "Heroes") to bring these FBI, CIA, NSA and DNI TERRORISTS to their knees and SUCK the SADISM, PERVERSION and BLOOD LUST out of their veins, arteries and genes and HUMANIZE them which will turn USA into a REAL FREE SOCIETY with REAL LIBERTIES and REAL FREEDOM. JOIN me in my crusade against these US GOVT FBI, CIA and NSA SADISTS, PERVERTS, BLOOD THIRSTY PSYCHOPATHS and VAMPIRES if you consider yourself a REAL GUTSY MAN Post my thread on every forum and blog including FACEBOOK and TWITTER rightaway and spread it virally all over the world to make sure as many americans as possible read and educate themselves. FBI and SECRET SERVICE PUSSIES went and INTERROGATED a 14 yr old WHITE girl pulling her from her classroom in california for posting a picture with title "KILL BUSH" on her myspace website. If these links dont work, then just google for Julia Wilson, Sacramento, california, 14 yr old girl, kill bush etc. http://www.jonesreport.com/articles/...pace_bush.html or http://xpress.sfsu.edu/archives/editorials/007254.html Another Rhode Island 7th grader investigated by Secret Service http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/2/...ectid=10366680 But here, I POSTED a $50k BOUNTY on George Bush Jr, Dich Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Pual Wolfowitz and FBI director Robert Mueller III, NSA director Keith Alexander, CIA director David Patraeus, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and National Intelligence director Dennis Blair and these IMPOTENT US GOVT FBI, CIA and NSA PSYCHOPATHS dont have the guts to arrest and prosecute me. Here is a PUBLIC MESSAGE for all the Forked Tongued FBI, CIA and NSA TERRORISTS.: Begin Message I will NEVER EVER bend over and behave like a SLAVE like majority of the 320 mil programmed american slaves NO MATTER how much YOU TORTURE ME. I would rather DIE ON MY FEET than live on my knees. End Message I also URGE all the readers on usenet to send this link and my usenet post to ALL US GOVT LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES US Marshalls, Secret Service, BATF, local police stations in your towns and cities (even the cops need to be educated about these ILLEGAL SECRET TORTURES) including the FBI and NSA and get me ARRESTED and PROSECUTED. But they wont arrest and prosecute me for this reason. This is my profile at FBI, CIA and NSA http://groups.google.com/group/alt.p...461a5bc0?hl=en If the following links dont work, then please google for these keywords "SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY and PSYCHO-ELECTRONIC WEAPON ATTACKS by FBI, CIA and NSA" This link explains various TORTURE METHODS and TECHNOLOGIES being used by FBI, CIA and NSA TERRORISTS on Americans for decades. Covert Operations of NSA- Mind Control and DEW Weapons http://www.scribd.com/doc/25664429/C...ons-of-the-NSA SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY and PSYCHO-ELECTRONIC WEAPON TORTURES by 100,000 FBI and NSA SECRET SPIES http://groups.google.com/group/alt.a...8f9bb88?hl=en& 1) Bomb these American Federal Buildings and American INFRASTRUCTURE BUILDINGS and KILL as many FBI, CIA, DNI and NSA TERRORISTS as possible like one would kill mad dogs. FBI Headquarters - Edgar Hoover Building in Washington DC CIA Headquarers in Langley, Virginia NSA Headquarters in Ft George Meade, Maryland DNI Headquarters in Washington DC US Capitol Building GoldenGate Bridge SanFrancisco Empire State Building, Newyork Brooklyn Bridge, Newyork Hoover Dam, Nevada Willis Tower, Chicago Washington Monument, Washington DC Lockheed Martin Corporate Headquarters Northrop Grumman Headquarters Xe Company Headquarters The Heritage Foundation Manhattan Institute Rand Corporation American Enterprise Institute This is how the WHITE CHRISTIAN AMERICAN TERRORISTS at FBI, CIA and NSA are RAPING, TORTURING and KILLING POWERLESS Americans for decades..... MODUS OPERANDI OF FBI, CIA and NSA PSYCHOPATHS and TERRORISTS http://groups.google.com/group/alt.m...d2af1c6e5f8b?h... Your psychopathic governments programmed your brains to think every one who accuses the government of tortures is "delusional". MKULTRA and COINTELPRO were never terminated. They merely became SECRET TORTURES. Stop watching those stupid ****ing reality shows Kardashians, Jon and Kate, Jersey Shore and the rest of the dumb american shit and use that ****ing time to google and youtube for SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY, MKULTRA, DEW Weapons, Mind Control and COINTELPRO......... REAL WORLD HERO, AmerGovtCriminalsExposer AmerGovtPsychopathsExposer FBInCIAnNSATerroristSlayer HusbandOfAllFBInCIAnNSAAgents |
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